Daniel Case: EAC did adoption for someone high up in Ohio AG's Office

27 July 2008

Daniel Case on July 27, 2008 at 2:20 pm said:

Chase and Logan are just the tip of the iceberg. The amount of adoptive parents who have been hurt or ripped off by this agency over the years is astounding … as is the lack of sanctions they’ve faced from the same Ohio regulatory agency that has been willing to discipline other agencies for far less. Supposedly, in the early days, Margaret did an adoption for someone high up in the Ohio AG’s office at the time, a client she’d gotten through her husband’s family’s political connections (she works hard to hide the fact that she’s the daughter-in-law of the late Cuyahoga County GOP boss Robert Hughes, whose death in the early 1990s was ruled a suicide but remains highly suspicious). In gratitude, this guy made sure that any complaints about EAC got circular-filed (Even a few years ago, when we called ODJFS pretending to be a family with a complaint, we were referred to the Better Business Bureau (and we all know how much “good” they can do).

We get more emails from people telling us how EAC screwed them than any other agency. You name it, they’ve done it … lied about the fate of kids in more than one foreign country, refused to return money, returned dossiers stamped all over “invalid” so as not to be reusable, threatened complaining PAPs on the Internet with the cessation of their adoptions, required people to bribe the Russians.

Reply ?
