Petition to Aid U.S. Citizen Guatemala Adoption Advocate. Nancy Bailey,

2 May 2017

May 2, 2017. Petition to Aid U.S. Citizen Guatemala Adoption Advocate. Nancy Bailey, an American who has lived in Guatemala, was arrested in 2014 and charged with child-trafficking. Bailey had run a foster home called Semillas de Amor (Seeds of Love) which had cared for many children who were adopted by U.S. families. International adoption from Guatemala was suspended at the beginning of 2009 but Bailey continued to run her children's home. When Bailey was first arrested, she was kept in house arrest but has been imprisoned for the last year. Now her trial will begin soon. This petition, filed by her U.S. supporters requests that Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Jared Huffman intervene to:

Immediately contact the U.S. Ambassador in Guatemala to request a U.S. Embassy Official observe her trial to ensure its fairness and legality,

Personally explore the circumstances of Nancy's situation further as it concerns the global criminalization of the noble act of adoption and the unjust judicial treatment of Americans abroad. Given the politicization of international adoption in Guatemala, having a U.S. Embassy observer at any proceedings seems a necessary protection.

To read the petition, please click here.

Justice for Nancy Bailey

Apr 30 2017 Ellora DeCarlo 685 Signatures

#Civil Rights

Target: Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Jared Huffman Region: United States of America Website:

Nancy Bailey, a 64 year-old U.S. citizen, humanitarian and child advocate in Guatemala needs our advocacy. She has saved the lives of and provided brighter futures for thousands of Guatemalan children over the last 26 years. She is currently fighting for her own future, wrongly accused of child trafficking.

Adoption has become criminalized in Guatemala due to grossly inaccurate blanket accusations that all adoption providers and practices were corrupt. In a country wrought with poverty and corruption, an individual is considered and treated as guilty until proven innocent. It will be nearly impossible for Nancy to receive a fair trial without U.S. intervention.

Background :

-For 26 years, Nancy Bailey has been in service to the children of Guatemala providing a loving safe haven at her children's home, Semillas de Amor (Seeds of Love)

-Semillas de Amor is a model for excellent care for orphaned and abandoned children - with low caregiver ratios, good schooling, and counsel for children dealing with the trauma of abandonment.

-Semillas de Amor has placed many children into permanent families through international adoption

-Despite adoptions closing in 2009 and losing adoption related income, Nancy remained steadfast in her life's work to keep Semillas de Amor open for the children in her care

-While out of the country briefly in 2012, Nancy was charged with child trafficking when the Guatemalan authorities raided Semillas de Amor and her personal home

-The charges are based on alleged irregularities found in 3 cases at Semillas de Amor

-Nancy returned to Guatemala in December 2014 to be with her children despite knowing she would likely be arrested

-For the first 16 months of her incarceration (without a trial), Nancy was on house arrest with no supervision

-For the last year, Nancy has been detained in prison with a few intermittent hospital stays due to fibromyalgia and respiratory issues

-Nancy had continued to fundraise to keep the home open despite her unjust incarceration and failing health

-Over the last two years, Nancy’s health and spirits have deteriorated greatly while the children of Semillas are being raised without their "mother"

In addition to the unjust treatment thus far, we have many reasons to believe Nancy Bailey will not receive a fair trial in Guatemala:

- Mass corruption in the Guatemala judicial system - Guatemala currently ranked 40th most corrupt nation (out of 176)

- Anti-American sentiment in Guatemala

- The criminalization of adoption via the grossly inaccurate blanket accusations that all Guatemalan-U.S. adoptions are corrupt

Dear Senator Feinstein and Congressman Huffman,

We are writing to you with an urgent request to ensure a fair trial for Nancy Bailey, a 64 year-old U.S. citizen, humanitarian and child advocate in Guatemala. She has been wrongly accused of child trafficking and incarcerated by the Guatemalan judicial system for over 2 years while she awaited trial.

Her trial began last week on April 27, 2017.

We, the undersigned, ask that you :

1. immediately contact the U.S. Ambassador in Guatemala to request a U.S. Embassy Official observe her trial to ensure its fairness and legality

2. personally explore the circumstances of Nancy’s situation further as it concerns the global criminalization of the noble act of adoption and the unjust judicial treatment of Americans abroad

Thank you for your attention and service to protect American citizens in need of your leadership and advocacy.
