STV withdraws from cooperation with John Davies, Salamon Alapitvany Foundation (Hungary), Morava Foundations (Albania, Romania)


STV withdraws from cooperation with John Davies, Salamon Alapitvany Foundation (Hungary), Morava Foundations (Albania, Romania)

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Subject: STV withdraws from cooperation with John Davies, Salamon Alapitvany Foundation (Hungary), Morava Foundations (Albania, Romania)

From: Jyothi Kanics (

Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 14:33:33 EST

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To: Whom it concerns

From: Dutch Foundation against Trafficking in Women (STV)

Ms. Mercedes Zandwijken, director STV

Ms. Trijntje Kootstra, general coordinator La Strada Program

Subject: STV withdraws from cooperation with John Davies, Salamon

Alapitvany Foundation (Hungary), Morava Foundations (Albania, Romania)

Date: 9 February 1999

Dear all,

We would like to inform you that the Dutch Foundation against Trafficking in

Women (STV) herewith withdraws from further cooperation with John Davies and

the organisations he is connected with (the Salomon Alapitvany Foundation in

Hungary and the Morava Foundations in Romania and Albania).

Last week, we have been approached by our contact person at the European

Human Rights Foundation, the intermediary organisation of the Phare & Tacis

Democracy Programme, which is one of the financers of the '1998-2001 La

Strada Program'. He informed us of the fact that the European Commission's

anti-fraud unit (UCLAF) is currently investigating a project under the Phare

& Tacis Lien Programme which was submitted by John Davies/the Salmon

Alapitvany Foundation in Hungary.

The project was supposed to establish one one hand a horse riding facility

for handicapped children and on the other hand to organise seminars and

training sessions for prostitutes and NGOs working with prostitutes. The

project was granted the maximum EU contribution of ECU 200,000.

Upon a 'surprise working visit' to the facility by a representative of the

European Commission, the EU inspector found that the funds already

transferred had not been used for the project. In a confidential report the

European Commission representative wrote that 'the risks are very high that

funds are diverted from their original and planned destination'. The

investigator concluded that 'his very strong impression' was that the funds

had been used for a purpse 'either of personal enrichment or hidden agenda'.

The European Commission has demanded the immediate return of the funds

already transferred and began an investigation by the fraud unit of the

European Commission (UCLAF). One of the first results of this investigation

was that John Davies/Salamon Alapitvany has submitted an earlier project

proposal to the Phare & Tacis Lien Programme, using a Dutch organisation as

partner organisation without its approval or knowledge. This project was not

approved of for funding by the European Commission.

The Dutch Foundation against Trafficking in Women (STV) considers the

information received from the European Commission/European Human Rights

Foundation of a very serious nature. Our organisation can and will not allow

itself to be associated with a person or organisation who/which is accused

of such serious allegations.

Consequently, given the fact that John Davies is also closely linked to the

Morava Foundations in Albania and Romania, we see no other option than to

withdraw from cooperation with these organisations as well.

Hoping to have herewith informed you properly,

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Mercedes Zandwijken

Director Dutch Foundation against Trafficking in Women (STV)

Ms. Trijntje Kootstra

General coordinator La Strada