Front Page > Bihar > Story Adoption agency address for baby

13 July 2015

The Child Welfare Committee has decided to hand over the newborn girl - found abandoned at Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) on June 30 - to Prayas Bharti Trust, a government-authorised adoption agency.

The committee works under the state government's social welfare department.

The PMCH sources said the baby girl would shortly be handed over to the agency so that they could initiate the legal proceedings of adoption. "Around 15 people and families showed interest in adopting the baby girl but we were waiting for her health condition to improve. The baby had chest infection apart from some other problems. She was under constant monitoring of doctors. At present, she is absolutely fine. We would soon hand over the baby to Prayas Bharti Trust because the Child Welfare Committee has given instruction regarding the same," said an official of the PMCH paediatrics department on condition of anonymity.

The sources said the government-authorised adoption agency had told the committee that many had shown interest in adopting the baby and they had apprehended that the baby might go in wrong hands if the hospital did not abide by the rules of handing over the baby to some government-authorised adoption agency.

Suman Lal, president, Prayas Bharti Trust, said she had written a letter to the committee regarding the same.

"In many cases, we have found that health condition of the babies left on road is quite serious. We have noticed such babies suffer from some infection because of being kept in unhygienic surroundings for a long duration. We have asked the PMCH to keep the baby till the time she is totally fine. On Monday also, our officials would visit the hospital and if they find the baby alright, we shall bring her from hospital," said Lal.

The PMCH sources said the baby girl was found abandoned on the hospital's Tata Ward on June 30. A Grade-III employee first found the baby crying on the floor. She took the baby with the hope that her family would come soon. However, when no one turned up to claim her, the staff brought her to the paediatrics department in the afternoon. The baby has been under observation in the neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital since then.
