Child care centre operator arrested from Mumbai

17 March 2018

Woman involved in trafficking of children has been arrested from Mumbai. She is on a 7-day remand. Child care centre operator Radhika Sahu was arrested from Mumbai on Friday by Hiranmagri police. She is now on a 7-day remand and will be investigated regarding trafficking of innocent kids. It may be noted that Radhika Sahu has been illegally operating a Child care centre in Sector 3 Hiranmagri.

Investigating officer had obtained production warrant from District Court for arresting Radhika Sahu. Radhika is on a remand until 22nd March. Operator of Child care centre, Radhika Sahu was arrested in Mumbai from restaurant by Meera Road Police, Mumbai. Along with her Puja, a resident from Mumbai, and Puja’s husband Ashish were also arrested. Reportedly Puja had handed over her infant to Radhika 2 months back since she did not want to keep her own child. As per a deal, Puja had sold her infant in 6 lakh rupees. She had asked for Radhika’s assistance in this matter since they both are friends with each other.

These two friends unknowingly went to settle the deal with a police officer in Mumbai and got trapped. Mumbai police arrested these ladies and sent them behind bars from where they were brought to Udaipur on Friday on transit warrant.

Upon getting information of child trafficking, Udaipur police had raided the Child care centre in Hiranmagri Sector 3 from where they found 2 kids who were kept illegally. As per information given to police, one of the child belonged to a woman in Sundervas and the other was from Jhadol. The woman from Sundervas pleaded helplessness in taking care of the child and handed the child to Child Helpline. Police is yet to find out details of parents of the other child who is from Jhadol. Details of this girl’s parents are known to Radhika Sahu. Until further information, both the children have been handed over to Child Welfare Committee.
