Sarah Ferguson grounded from travelling as she fears being extradited to Turkey

15 January 2012

Sarah Ferguson grounded from travelling as she fears being extradited to Turkey

Lawyers say she could be ­arrested if she visits any ­country that has an ­extradition treaty with Turkey


ByJustin Penrose

00:01, 15 JAN 2012UPDATED22:46, 6 FEB 2012


Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson

Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson


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Holiday-loving Sarah Fergsuon has grounded herself amid fears she will be arrested if she travels abroad.

The Duchess of York was due to fly to the US this week.

But lawyers warned she could be detained under an international arrest warrant after she was charged in her absence by Turkish authorities last week over a TV documentary she ­secretly filmed in 2008.

Fergie, 52, is accused of “breaking the law in ­acquiring footage and ­violating ­privacy” over the filming of five children in her shocking exposé of Turkish orphanages. She could face up to 22 years in jail if found guilty.

Fergie has been told she can’t be extradited from the UK where such filming would not be ­considered a criminal offence.

But lawyers say she could be ­arrested if she visits any ­country that has an ­extradition treaty with Turkey, such as the USA. She has now cancelled her trip, believed to be to New York.

The self-imposed ban will be a ­massive blow to Fergie, who is said to be devastated by the news that she is stuck in the UK.

A friend said: “Sarah is in shock, this has all come out of the blue. She didn’t expect charges to be brought so long after her trip to Turkey and certainly didn’t expect that she would be unable to go abroad.”

Lawyers said she would ­“probably be OK” in the US but she ­cancelled to avoid the risk.

In Duchess and Daughters: Their Secret Mission, Fergie and ­daughter Eugenie went undercover for ITV ­Tonight to examine the plight of ­Turkish orphans.

Disguised in a wig and headscarf she went to the Saray ­Institution near the capital of Ankara and filmed filthy, neglected disabled children who were tied to their beds.

At the time the Turkish government accused her of taking part in a “smear campaign” when they were hoping to join the ­European Union.

Fergie, who also filmed ­orphanages in Romania with other daughter Beatrice, said she was “apolitical”.

Chris Rogers, the ­reporter who travelled with the ­Duchess for the undercover trip, said: “Sarah and I witnessed children dressed in rags at Turkey’s Saray Institution, which had 700 unwanted, disabled youngsters shut up within its walls.

“There was a terrible stench of urine, sweat and vomit. We saw ­children tied to benches like dogs, women with their arms pinned behind their back and covered in faeces.”

Yesterday Fergie’s spokesman said: “She is not travelling at the moment. She’s ­staying in the UK to sort this.”