Morigaon Mahila Mehfil Vs. Ms. Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo

Sl. No.



Date Order Signature

06-06-16 The present petition has been filed under section 41

of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act

2000, by Marigaon Mahila Mehfil, represented by its Secretary

Wahida Rahman, supported by an affidavit duly sworn and by

prospective adoptive parent Miss Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo

of Spain with a prayer to allow them to give the child named

MAINA in adoption.

The child above named was born on 01/06/09 and

was found abandoned in the streets of Tezpur town. She is

proposed to be given in adoption. She is an unclaimed female

child and no parents or relatives to have come forward to

take her custody. The child has been given shelter in

“SOFTSEED”, which is a society and has been registered

under section 34 (3) of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection

of Children) Act 2000. The said child has been declared as

legally free for adoption by a certificate given by the

chairperson, Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Sonitpur vide

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CWC/T/211/14 dated 28/07/2015 (marked as annexure 7).

Wahida Rahman is the Attorney holder of the

prospective adoptive parent Miss Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo.

She has furnished the certificate of registration under section

34 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)

Act 2000(marked as Annexure 1) and the notification of

the state Child Protection Society, Assam notifying Marigaon

Mahila Mehfil as a specialized adoption agency (SAA) under

section 41(4) of the Juvenile Justice (care and protection of

children) Act of 2000 (marked as Annexure 2). She has

furnished the certificate of registration of “SOFTSEED”, given

under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)

Act 2000 (marked as Annexure 3). The petitioner Wahida

Rahman has also filed the no objection certificate issued by

Central Adoption Resource Authority ( in short CARA),

allowing Marigaon Mahila Mehfil, to give in adoption the child

MAINA to the prospective adoptive parent Miss Ana Isabel

Buendia Bermejo, (marked as Annexure 22).

Apart from these documents the following documents

have been filed by the petitioners---

1. Medical examination report (MER) of the child

(marked as Annexure 5).

2. Child study report ( marked as Annexure 6).

3. Suitability assessment home study report for

inter country adoption in India (marked as Annexure 8).

4. Reference latter certifying capability of Miss Ana

Isabel Buendia Bermejo developed a minor child (marked as

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Annexure 10).

5. Official medical certificate certifying that Miss

Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo does not suffer from any

infectious or contagious illness or any psychological or

physical handicap that prevents hire from adopting a minor. It

also certifies that the lady does not suffer from HIV or

hepatitis A, B or C (marked as Annexure 11).

6. Employment certificate showing her income

(marked as Annexure 13).

7. Certificate showing financial status of the

prospective parent (marked as Annexure 14).

8. Certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice of

the Government of Spain showing the personal details of the

prospective parent (marked as Annexure 15).

9. Latter by CARA authorising Children without

frontiers---Ninos sin Fronteras—Marques de Urquijo, 9-A,

282008, Madrid, Spain to be the Authorised Foreign Adoption

Agency(AFAA)[marked as Annexure 16].

10. Undertaking given by Ninos sin Fronteras to

follow CARA guidelines (marked as Annexure 19).

11. Certificate of the Ministry of Justice, Government

of Spain, for the purpose of intercountry adoption, certifying

that Miss Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo does not have any

criminal record ( marked as Annexure 20).

12. Undertaking given by Miss Ana Isabel Buendia

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Bermejo to follow the guidelines of CARA (marked as

Annexure 21).

13. Power of attorney given by Miss Ana Isabel

Buendia Bermejo to Wahida Rahman ( marked as Annexure


14. Consent later by Maina (marked as Annexure


It appears from the documents submitted by Wahida

Rahman, the Secretary of the Marigaon Mahila Mehfil, that

Miss Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo is duly registered with Ninos

sin Frontera, the Approved Foreign Adoption Agency (AFAA).

The home study report of the said prospective adoptive

parent was prepared by the aforesaid AFAA. All the

documents as required by the Guidelines Governing Adoption

of Children, 2015 (in short guidelines of 2015) were duly

prepared, notarised, apostilled in Spain.

The CARA after due examination of all the relevant

documents submitted by the petitioner and on being satisfied

that due procedures as laid down in the guidelines of 2015

have been followed and that the adoption is in the best

interest of the child, has approved the proposed adoption and

no objection certificate( Annexure 22) was issued. After

receiving the said no objection certificate the petitioners have

filed the instant petition.

The petitioner has further stated that the prospective

adoptive parent Miss Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo was born

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on 28th day of January 1970. She is a married woman. She

has been working with the Spanish bank Banco de Castilla La

Mancha and was officially assigned to money laundering

prevention unit of the bank and in the year 2015 she earned

20,165.67 euros. She also has her own house which is valued

at 117,000 euros. She has a private vehicle valued at 2000

euros and has a pension plan which is valued at 17,672.69


India has ratified the Hague Convention on the

Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of

Intercountry Adoption 1993 that concluded on 29 May 1993,

which recognised that the child, for the full and harmonious

development of his or her personality, should grow up in a

family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and

understanding. Article 17 is the relevant provision for this

case. It reads as --

Any decision in the State of origin that a child should

be entrusted to prospective adoptive parents may only be

made if -

a) the Central Authority of that State has ensured

that the prospective adoptive parents agree;

b) the Central Authority of the receiving State has

approved such decision, where such approval is required by

the law of that State or by the Central Authority of the State

of origin;

c) the Central Authorities of both States have agreed

that the adoption may proceed; and

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d) it has been determined, in accordance with Article

5, that the prospective adoptive parents are eligible and

suited to adopt and that the child is or will be authorised to

enter and reside permanently in the receiving State.

After careful perusal of the materials available on

record, I find that the requirements of the Article 17 (C) of

the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and

Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption 1993, the

Guidelines Governing Adoption of Children, 2015 issued by

the Ministry of Woman and Child Development of Government

of India and also the guidelines of the Honourable Supreme

Court in Luxmi Kant Pundey v Union of India (AIR 1984 SC

496) have been complied it by all the parties to this matter.

Now I am satisfied that Miss Ana Isabel Buendia

Bermejo is capable of taking in adoption the child MAINA,

who at present is in the custody of “SOFTSEED”, Tezpur. I

see no impediment in passing an order in favour of Miss Ana

Isabel Buendia Bermejo. Accordingly the prayer for adoption

is allowed and permission is granted to the petitioner

Marigaon Mahila Mehfil to give the child MAINA in adoption to

the prospective parent Miss Ana Isabel Buendia Bermejo.

The instant proceeding stands disposed of and closed


(P.J. Saikia)

District Judge,

Sonitpur: Tezpur.
