UN resolution will focus on children without parental care

26 November 2018

In a historic move, the UN General Assembly have selected ‘Children without parental care’ as the theme for the ‘Rights of the Child’ resolution for 2019. SOS Children’s Villages has applauded UN Member States for their decision – working in partnership with a coalition of 80 NGOs to express its support.

The children’s charity has offered to share it’s expertise and learnings, gained through 70 years protecting unsupported children worldwide, to support Member States’ efforts to ensure the rights of unsupported children are upheld and fulfilled.

SOS Children’s Villages works to encourage international awareness and commitment to the rights of children without parental care worldwide. They aim to strengthen the laws protecting children, both now and in the future, thereby effecting a sustainable approach to the protection of children.

SOS Children’s Villages President Siddhartha Kaul said: “We are privileged to work with committed colleagues from across the child-rights community to bring global attention to the situation of children without parental care. As practitioners in over 130 countries we know that such focus is needed to enshrine the rights of children to quality care that meets their individual best interest.”

The announcement represents the first step towards the adoption of the resolution in the UN General Assembly in 2019. Once adopted, the non-binding resolution could become the most internationally recognised guidance for states and concerned stakeholders on protecting the rights of children without parental care or at risk of losing it.

It offers Member States the opportunity to initiate, further regulate and improve the childcare policies that are being developed and implemented across the globe in an orderly, long-term and comprehensive manner. With the benefit of the resolution, the best interest of the child and the provisions of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children will be at the core of each step of the process.

SOS Children’s Villages International CEO Norbert Meder said: “If the global community is truly committed to ensuring that no one is left behind in the world’s progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, it is the most vulnerable among us – children and youth without parental care – on whom we must focus our efforts.

“Once adopted, this resolution will reflect the commitment of governments around the world to fulfil the rights of children and youth to quality care in their families and in alternative care.”

2019 marks the 10th anniversary of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. SOS Children’s Villages is working in partnership with organisations across the care community, including UNICEF and other stakeholders, to raise awareness about best practices in the implementation of the Guidelines and to identify outstanding challenges.

Their goal is to support and advise Member States on policy development to prevent unnecessary family separation and ensure that comprehensive childcare systems are in place with suitable and individually adapted solutions for children placed in alternative care.

You can find out more information about our work defending children’s rights here.
