Most child care homes have no child protection policy, shows study

27 January 2019

NEW DELHI: At a time when the government is finalising a draft national child protection policy to hold organisations and their staff accountable for

both preventing and reporting child abuse, an analysis of the data drawn from a mapping of 9,589 children homes from across the country in 2016-17

shows that most homes lack a child protection policy (CPP).

An analysis of the data drawn from homes in 2016-17 shows that while homes in Chandigarh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands had no child protection

policy, in Chhattisgarh only 4.9 % homes were found to have a policy and in Manipur, the percentage was a poor 1.6%

The study steered by a committee set-up by the WCD ministry shows that among the ones doing comparatively better are Meghalaya which had 50%

homes where the policy was followed, Odisha (47%) and Haryana (45.6%).

In the aftermath of the Muzaffarpur horror home story and following the directions from the Supreme Court the government has drafted the national child

protection policy which was put up for comments and suggestions in December. With many civil society organisations citing gaps and seeking extension

of the deadline for sending in suggestions, the ministry of women and child development has extended the deadline till February 4.

In terms of training and awareness about a policy which is supposed to bring in accountability, the average was rather low with Rajasthan at the top with

just 47% homes holding training workshops.

These findings form part of a report submitted by the committee late last year to WCD minister Maneka Gandhi. The report is now in the public domain.

It is noted in the analysis that the fact that such a large number of CCIs/Homes do not have a CPP or training regarding it is a major cause for concern. In a

chapter titled “Prevention and Protection from Abuse” it is stated that “as numerous cases of child abuse are being reported within the institutional setup;

not only does having a CPP become essential, staff also needs to be trained to ensure the functionality of the policy. All the CCIs/Homes in the country are

mandated to have CPP signed and adhered to by staff and visitors”.

It is pointed the CPP is a tool that protects both children and staff by clearly defining the actions required to keep children safe within the organisation.
