MI5 'helped Margaret Thatcher cover-up paedophile Tory MP's activities' new documents reveal

22 July 2015

Labour MP Simon Danczuck said the newly unearthed documents prove 'the full weight of the British establishment, including MI5, colluded in a cover-up'

The head of MI5 warned Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet Secretary that an unnamed MP, understood to be a senior Tory, had “a penchant for small boys”, Government child abuse papers have revealed.

The newly unearthed documents link Mrs Thatcher’s former parliamentary secretary Sir Peter Morrison, former Home Secretary Leon Brittan, former diplomat Sir Peter Hayman and ex-minister Sir William van Straubenzee to the establishment paedophilia scandal.

All four men are now deceased.

In the bombshell letter written in 1986, MI5 boss Sir Antony Duff revealed two sources had accused an MP of child abuse.

But he told Cabinet Secretary Sir Robert Armstrong he accepted the MP’s denials, adding: “At the present stage... the risks of political embarrassment to the Government is rather greater than the security danger.”

In a letter released today, the Cabinet Office admitted: “The risk to children is not considered

at all.”

Labour MP Simon Danczuk said tonight the papers show “the full weight of the British establishment, including MI5, colluded in a cover-up to protect politicians who sexually abused young boys”.

Labour MP Tom Watson accused the Government of “sneaking out” the papers the day after Parliament’s summer recess began.

He said it meant MPs could not “scrutinise properly” documents nor “hold ministers to account”.

Sky News said tonight the documents have been shared with the police and will be passed to the Child Abuse Inquiry.
