'Love At First Sight,' Mumbai Couple Adopts Baby With Down Syndrome & The Reason Will Move You

2 May 2019

It's a sad reality that more than half the children awaiting adoption in India are those in the special needs category.

Adoption remains an almost taboo subject in most of the country, and adopting a child with special needs more so. But there are those who breaking this stereotype and doing their bit to spread awareness on the subject.

Like this Mumbai couple who adopted a baby girl with Down Syndrome.

In a moving post shared by the Humans of Bombay, Kavita and Huimanshu spoke about the moment they decided to adopt a child.

It was in May 2017 that they brought Veda home and their life turned around.

"Since I was a child, I was always inquisitive about children who begged on the streets. I wondered where they came from and if they had any family. As I grew up, I decided that I wanted to adopt a child and give them a new life," reads the post.

Kavita and Himanshu were both comfortable with the idea of adoption. While they were living in the US after marriage, they came across a baby with Down Syndrome.

They decided to move back to India, adopt her and start a new life.

"Our application was accepted within two weeks! We were then shown the children they were fostering, and when I saw Veda - it was love at first sight. "

Kavita started an Instagram and Youtube account and has been vlogging about cute little three-year-old, Veda in a bid to spread awareness on Down Syndrome and, of course, just show how adorable and smart the little one is.

But adopting Veda was not cakewalk for the couple. While Kavita's parents accepted the decision, Himanshu's parents and friends shunned them for the decision.

"So far, it’s been an amazing journey. She has been our strength and made us two proud parents. Despite everything, she’s always so happy and loving towards the world around her," Kavita told the Humans of Bombay.

In an interview with Better India, Kavita recounted an incident when an intrigued Ola driver asked her questions about Veda's glasses.

The driver unaware of Veda's condition was surprised that she wore such thick glasses. Kavita went on to explain her condition and also revealed that she was adopted.

The cabbie was moved to tears with Kavita's story. For Kavita, Veda is special girl with an extra chromosome that sets her apart.
