Landelijke Ouderenvereniging Gezinsproblematiek Adoptie ( LOGA )

The origin of LOGA Among other things the publication in HP / De Tijd in 1985 of the article "The drama of a failed adoption" by Mariƫtte Storm and the reactions to it in the TV broadcast of the program of Karel van de Graaf, there is a meeting in 1986 been in Zoetermeer with all the parents who were registered with the editors and who had problems with their adopted children. As a result, our independent adoptive parent association LOGA (National Parenting Association for Family Problems Adoption) was established in 1987. LOGA was established because: Adoption families are 'special' families where specific problems may arise or questions may arise of which their environment and regular care services have little knowledge. Partly because of this, these adoptive parents often get into isolation.