Action for Children

1 January 2012

Action for Children (AFC) is a global programme focusing on initiatives aimed at improving the welfare of children by scaling up the brand and fundraising of grassroots organisations. The programme was initiated in 2008 by Together4Change alliance, a consortium of four international organisations – Wilde Ganzen (Wild Geese), Wereldkinderen (NICWO), SOS kinderdorpen (SOS Children's Villages) and Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS) –supported by Dutch government.

Together4Change alliance is based on the concept of Civic Driven Change and gives the highest priority to change being achieved by people and society themselves. For its programme, Action for Children, organisations with a similar ideology were selected from five developing economies, namely India, Brazil, South Africa, Ghana and Kenya. BMC Foundation - Bori Madhaiah Charitable Foundation is the implementing partner for the programme in India.

Action for Children, being carried out by Wilde Ganzen, is based on the belief that the responsibility of social development lies not only with the government, but also requires equal participation from the privileged masses.

BMC Foundation - Bori Madhaiah Charitable Foundation implemented the first phase of the programme (MFS I) between 2008 and 2011. The programme is now in its second phase (MFS II) and extends till 2015.

Action for Children works in partnership with statutory bodies to deliver services for children, young people and their families in five main areas:

  • Family support
    Action for Children is a major provider of family support services, and works in partnership with local authorities across the UK. The aim is to facilitate early intervention and then offer long term help, so families can stay together if possible. This is provided through children's and family centres, parenting programmes and targeted intervention initiatives, often with the hardest to reach groups in the community.
  • Disability
    Action for Children runs specialist projects for disabled children and those with learning and behavioural difficulties. These include residential care, short breaks and respite care services, keyworker support for families and carers, and advocacy work to help young disabled people transition into adulthood.
  • Children in care
    Action for Children is a registered adoption agency and also provides fostering schemes. Its intensive fostering services act as an alternative to custodial sentences for young people, challenging their behaviour and often enabling them ultimately to return to their birth families. The charity also runs a growing number of small residential units for children and young people, as well as supporting young people leaving care and moving into independent living.
  • Support for young people
    Action for Children works with the most disadvantaged young people in society. Issues these youngsters may face include alcohol and substance misuse, anti-social behaviour, homelessness, unemployment and poor educational attainment. Other services offer support for young carers, teenage parents, victims of sexual abuse and those leaving young offenders institutions. This support is provided through a range of services which offer counselling, help with housing and benefits, access to training and education, basic skills tuition, mediation and mentoring.
  • Education
    Action for Children runs a number of schools for children and young people with disabilities, profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and challenging behaviour (including social or emotional problems). The charity's aim is to offer a secure environment in which to facilitate educational, social and personal development adapted to pupils' individual abilities. The schools offer both residential placements and day care.