DCI Advisory Committee meets, a new member introduced - Rosa Maria Ortiz

23 March 2016

DCI Advisory Committee meets, a new member introduced

23 March 2016


The Advisory Committee (AC) of Defence for Children International held its second meeting on 12 March 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The five members of the Committee, who were appointed in June 2015, with the addition of Ms Rosa Maria Ortiz Carrón*, were present, together with all seven members of the International Executive Council (IEC) and the staff of the International Secretariat (IS).

Updates on the latest activities of the Movement were shared and discussed, while special emphasis was put on the next steps of the upcoming UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty, and in particular the role of DCI, as co-convener of the NGO Panel, in the implementation phase of the Study. Members of the AC stated that the involvement of DCI national sections, especially in the data collection phase of the Study, will be crucial, in particular due to their expertise and privileged access to places where children are deprived of liberty.

Furthermore, members of the AC provided valuable inputs regarding the redefinition of DCI’s strategy and new perspectives for action for the period 2017-2020, in regard to the preparation of DCI’s upcoming International General Assembly (IGA). AC and IEC members agreed that justice for children shall remain the priority of the Movement going forward, taking into account regional dynamics and challenges. All members also agreed that DCI’s expertise on justice for children shall be adapted to specific contexts, such as the migration crisis in Europe, conflicts in the Middle-East or the war on drugs in Latin America, inter alia, to ensure the greatest levels of operational activity.

*Ms Ortiz, from Paraguay, has been working for the promotion and protection of children and human rights for over 30 years. She has been former member and vice-president of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (2003 -2011), member and vice-president of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (2012-2015), and adviser on human rights and cultural diversity for the Paraguayan Presidency’s National Secretariat of Culture (2010-2011). DCI is thrilled to announce her addition to the AC, which was established in June 2015 through the appointment of the following five members: Ms. Moushira Khattab, Mr. Jaap Doek, Ms. Christine Cornwell, Mr. Nigel Cantwell and Ms. Akila Aggoune.

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