People for Ethical Adoption Reform - Board of Directors
21 June 2019
Board of Directors

Cherish Bolton (Co-President) is an intercountry adoptee from India. She is a historian who researches the legal and social status of vulnerable children in India. She has an MA in history and is completing her doctorate.
Chantal Rich (Co-President) is an intercountry adoptive parent (DRC) and domestic adoptee (USA). She is a licensed MSW and focuses on adoption and childhood trauma.
Nicki Clark Bradley (Vice President/Secretary) is an intercountry adoptive parent (Vietnam). The Baby Scoop Era impacted several members of her family, which drove her to work in adoption advocacy. She spent time on the Board of Ethica and founded Voices for Vietnam Adoption Integrity.
Margaret Weeks (Treasurer)

Thaddeus Batt
Karen Moline