He knowingly violated CARA guideline and JJ Act

2 July 2019

He knowingly violated CARA guideline and JJ Act: Journalist who accused filmmaker Vinod Kapri of faking an adoption story for self promotion

CARA CEO had tweeted back on June 16 itself that the story of the couple having 'adopted' the infant child was fake and that after due legal procedure the child will be rehabilitated to the couples already registered with CARA.

Journalist Abhishek Upadhyay who had accused filmmaker Vinod Kapri of faking an adoption story for self-promotion has now claimed that Kapri violated the CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority) guidelines and the Juvenile Justice Act (JJ Act) while tweeting the updates about the girl child. He shared a tweet of CEO of CARA, the central adoption agency, who had tweeted back on June 16 itself that the story of Kapri having ‘adopted’ the child is fake.

abhishek upadhyay


Vinod Kapri and Sakshi Kapri, you both are "Kalank" on humanity. @CEO_CARA top government authority on adoption had already advised you, not to publicize the photo of baby girl.They has already named the baby as ganga.Despite you promoted your film by naming her PIHU, Proof here https://twitter.com/CEO_CARA/status/1139995866666659840




That's a false story. The child has been registered on CARINGS and it will be rehablitated through adoption by #CARA as per the legal process. The child has been named Ganga and will be placed in the State Government's Adoption Agency.


12:26 - 1 Jul 2019

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CARA CEO’s tweet from June 16 had linked a storypick story which wrote about Kapri and his wife Sakshi Joshi of having adopted the girl child. The link was also shared by the couple on their social media.




That's a false story. The child has been registered on CARINGS and it will be rehablitated through adoption by #CARA as per the legal process. The child has been named Ganga and will be placed in the State Government's Adoption Agency.


22:39 - 15 Jun 2019 · New Delhi, India

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CARA CEO had clarified that this was a false story and the child is currently named ‘Ganga’ (and not Pihu as Kapri tweeted) and will be placed in State Government’s Adoption Agency. She will be rehabilitated through a legal process.

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The Ministry of WCD had also tweeted on June 15 that the child has been placed in the hospital for interim care.

Ministry of WCD



· 15 Jun 2019

Acting swiftly to the news of an abandoned child in village Barnel, Nagaur, #Rajasthan, District Child Protection Unit and Child Welfare Committee members placed the child in hospital for interim care. The little girl would be rehablitated soon.

Ministry of WCD



Taking due cognizance of the matter, Child Welfare Committee will take necessary action for initiating her rehabilitation process through #CARA as per the JJ Act 2015. The child has already been registered on CARINGS by the State Government Adoption Agency. @CARAWCD


10:14 - 15 Jun 2019

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See Ministry of WCD's other Tweets

In fact, responding to Kapri’s tweet, the CARA CEO had tweeted that the child has been registered with CARA and will be rehabilitated through adoption with an already registered couples who are already on the waiting list after the Child Welfare Committee declares the child legally free for adoption.

On June 16, CARA CEO even warned Sakshi, Kapri’s wife to refrain from posting pictures of the child as it would be in violation of the JJ Act.

Sakshi Joshi


· 15 Jun 2019

Replying to @sakshijoshii

???? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ??.???? ???? ???? ??.?? ??? ??? ????/?????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????.????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ????



All citizens must report about any child found in need of care and protection (#Section32 of the JJ Act 2015), thank you for doing so. Please don't post the pictures (#Section74 of the JJ Act 2015). I assure you that the child would be placed with a loving family soon.


23:05 - 15 Jun 2019 · New Delhi, India

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However, despite the warning, the couple continued to post pictures of the child. Kapri even put up the picture of the child as his display picture.

Later, after being pointed out by social media users that the couple has been violating CARA guidelines and even JJ Act despite the warning from CARA CEO, Kapri started deleting his tweets. He said their only concern is the health of the child and that they will continue the fight to get ‘that’ little baby.

Vinod Kapri



Deleting few tweets. Our only concern is that little angel and her health , which is deteriorating. Those who have personal agenda , Please carry on. I am out of it. God bless you ALL. Our fight to get that little baby will continue.


09:21 - 1 Jul 2019

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Despite CARA guidelines that the child will be rehabilitated through adoption with an already registered couples who are already on the waiting list and Kapri and his wife keep on insisting on adopting that particular child out of turn.

On Sunday, journalist Abhishek Upadhyay had accused filmmaker Vinod Kapri of having used the tragedy of a newborn to promote himself and his movie ‘Pihu’ which was supposedly set to release on Netflix in the following days.

A few weeks back, an emotional story of a journalist couple ‘adopting’ a baby rescued from a garbage dump in Nagaur, Rajasthan made rounds on social media evoking strong sentiment amongst the social media users. A journalist couple, Vinod Kapri and Sakshi Joshi, had warmed everyone’s hearts after they had announced that they would be adopting a baby girl found abandoned near a garbage mound in Rajasthan’s Nagaur area.

In a series of tweets, Upadhyay claimed that Kapri had planted stories in Indian as well as international media houses that he had already adopted the newborn child. However, Nagaur administration has clarified that the formalities are yet to start and a committee will take a decision on who will be the adoptive parents of the child.