FIR filed against adoptive parents for abusing child

8 July 2019

BHOPAL: Childline filed an FIR against a couple at Shahpura police station ( on Friday, after a boy they are in the process of adopting complained of assault. He also alleged that the couple

made him do household chores and treated him like a servant.

The boy, aged around 8-10 years, was brought to Bhopal after a couple from the city adopted him from an adoption centre from

Patna ( in Bihar ( The boy alleged

that his adoptive parents treated him badly, using abusive words to address him. Childline, along with Madhya Pradesh

( State Commission for Protection of Child Rights are investigating

the matter.

According to sources, the couple got custody of the boy from the adoption agency in 2017 but did not complete the full

adoption process, even after two years since they took him.

The boy fled a few days back and went to a neighbour’s house, who informed Childline. The adoptive parents of the boy do

odd jobs at a gas agency in Bhopal.

“In his statement, the boy said that he was being mistreated by his adoptive parents. He also alleged that his mother used to

make him do all household chores such as washing clothes, cleaning the house and doing the dishes. He also didn’t go to

school”, said Archana Sahaye, director of Childline, Bhopal.

“The boy alleged that his parents threw him out of the house in an underwear when he was found by the neighbour, who gave

him clothes to wear. He also alleged that his mother used to verbally abuse him,” said Sahaye.

The boy was given shelter at the Chidline office in TT Nagar for two days before being shifted to SOS child village.

Meanwhile, a CWC member told TOI that the child ran away from home after his adoptive mother scolded him for soiling his

clothes. “The child is highly intelligent and the parents told CWC that he used to steal from their house and played cards with

the neighbourhood goons. He had run away once before when he was handed back to them by the Habibganj SHO. The

parents also said that the boy was badly behaved and they only scolded him to discipline him, like any other parents”, said

Rajeev Jain, a CWC member.

Cops on the basis of the social investigation report (SIR) filed an FIR on Friday afternoon at Shahpura police station. The

parents have been booked under Section 75 of the Juvenile Justice Act and Section 3 of Child Labour Act after the boy gave

them his statement and the three child rights organizations are investigating the case.