1 September 2019

Birth parents and adoptees may search for each other after the adoptee reaches the age of 18. Because Holt’s headquarters are in Oregon, Oregon law governs all of Holt’s post adoption services. Oregon Statutes 109.425 & 109.455 require an adoptee to be 18 or older to initiate a search themselves.

Our partner agencies in India are happy to hear from adoptees, and are willing to forward letters and photos to foster parents or other caregivers from the adoptee’s past. However, due to the current climate surrounding relinquishment in India, especially in cases of an unwed mother, these agencies typically will not conduct a search for birth parents, nor will they release any identifying information. Although some of the stigmas against unwed mothers are changing, contact from an adoption agency could have serious repercussions for the birth mother. The agencies may be willing to search for extended family members or married birth parents in a few rare cases. If you would like to discuss this further, we would be happy to talk with you. There is always the possibility that Holt can connect you with someone from your past who remembers you, has a story about you, or can provide insight into your history.

If you would like to discuss your background with a Holt staff person, we must first confirm that your adoption was indeed facilitated by Holt International. Once this has been verified you’ll receive an email with additional information.
