erdict definitiv în dosarul trafican?ilor de copii din ??nd?rei: cei 25 de inculpa?i au fost achita?i Cite?te întreaga ?tire: Ve

23 December 2019

Final verdict in the file of child traffickers in ??nd?rei: the 25 defendants were acquitted

The case of trafficking in children from ??nd?rei, which troubled Romania and the European Union in 2010, ended on Monday, after many delays, with a decision to acquit all the accused. The verdict was given by the Târgu Mure? Court of Appeal.

After more than nine years of delayed trials, the 25 people accused of trafficking nearly 200 children from ??nd?rei in the UK are free as the bird of the sky. Judge Daniel Ursulescu, from the Târgu Mure? Court of Appeal, ordered the acquittal under art. 16 paragraph 1 letter a of the Code of Criminal Procedure - "the deed did not exist". Moreover, the defendants will claim damages at the ECHR for the months in which they were under preventive arrest and for the costs of the court, said lawyer Lorena Maria Cretescu.

In February, all the defendants were acquitted at first instance, or the judges found that the facts were prescribed after the trial was delayed for 9 years, of which only 6 were in Harghita Court, where there were 53 terms. The story of ??nd?rei's case The case of ??nd?rei exploded in 2010, the images of masked men with rattlesnakes breaking through the doors of the palaces of T?nd?rei in search of child traffickers were broadcast by several international TV stations. It was the first case of trafficking in minors investigated by Romanian and English policemen, and the trafficking of 181 Roma children in the United Kingdom was investigated, where they were used for begging and theft.

"The recruitment of minors was carried out in the environment of the poor Roma communities, the members of the group dealing with their accommodation and transport, the procurement of travel documents and the necessary money, as well as the organization and supervision of criminal activity in the United Kingdom and the management of the money obtained from the exploitation. victims, "the prosecutors said. In England, 120 traffickers were arrested and arrested, while some of the 26 people arrested and charged were released after several months. In July 2010, the DIICOT prosecutors completed the investigations and "ordered the prosecution of 26 defendants, 18 of whom were in custody". Among the accusations: trafficking in minors, money laundering, setting up an organized criminal group and possession without firearms.

The file was sent to the competent court to the Harghita Court, following the decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice. In 2011, the Harghita Tribunal ordered the restitution of the case to the prosecutor's office in order to restore the criminal prosecution. The Prosecutor's Office remanded the indictment, then, in 2012, the Court again ordered the restitution of the file to the prosecutors. The trial therefore started only in 2013. In 2014, the Prosecutor's Office requested that the legal classification of the facts held by the defendants be changed. Then, the court investigation lasted five years. Subsequently, the Harghita Tribunal "admitted the request to change the legal classification of the facts" for all the defendants. Thus, it went from the sentence of imprisonment from 5 to 20 years for "setting up an organized crime group" (art. 7 of Special Law no. 39/2003) to the sentence with imprisonment from one to 5 years ( 367 of the Penal Code).

Reported at the amount of the sentence, the limitation period was reduced and the defendants were paid. The decision was a surprising one. At the beginning of the year, Freedom revealed that the police were taking bribes from child traffickers and that the statement appeared even in the motivation of the Harghita Court, the court that decided to pay the defendants. DIICOT and one of the defendants appealed. Despite the gentleness of the Romanian court, the Tandei file even changed the European law, after presenting the case in the European Parliament, in 2011. Then, the European Union (EU) adopted a directive that redefined the exploitation of children begging and stealing as a form. forced labor, slavery, according to the source cited. The directive has been adopted by all Member States, and therefore by Romania. Bernie Gravett, the British policeman who co-ordinated the case of "Tandare" in the UK, sent for Freedom readers, images showing how Roma children were being exploited on the streets of England, and how they were being kept under miserable conditions. He wanted to show Freedom readers how the case was prepared in the UK and sent a film showing the shocking evidence gathered. This movie is now being used by Inspector Gravett, who is now preparing law enforcement to combat human trafficking, as an example to show how to track down suspects.


Cazul traficului de copii de la ??nd?rei, care a tulburat România ?i Uniunea European? în 2010, s-a terminat luni, dup? multe întârzieri, cu o decizie de achitare a tuturor acuza?ilor. Verdictul a fost dat de Curtea de Apel Târgu Mure?.

Dup? mai bine de nou? ani de procese întârziate, cei 25 de oameni acuza?i c? au traficat aproape 200 de copii din ??nd?rei în Marea Britanie sunt liberi ca pas?rea cerului. Judecatorul Daniel Ursulescu, de la Curtea de Apel Târgu Mure?, a dispus achitarea în temeiul art. 16 alin 1 lit.a din Codul de Procedur? Penal? – „fapta nu exista”. Mai mult, inculpa?ii vor cere daune la CEDO pentru lunile în care au stat în arest preventiv ?i pentru cheltuielile de judecata, a declarat avocata Lorena Maria Cretescu. În luna februarie, to?i inculpa?ii au fost achita?i în prim? instan??, sau judec?torii au constatat c? faptele s-au prescris dup? ce procesul a fost tergiversat vreme de 9 ani, dintre care 6 numai la Tribunalul Harghita, unde au fost 53 de termene. Povestea dosarului ??nd?rei Cazul ??nd?rei a explodat în 2010, imaginile cu masca?ii cu berbece care spargeau u?ile palatelor din ??nd?rei în c?utare de trafican?i de copii fiind difuzate de mai multe posturi TV interna?ionale. Era primul caz de trafic de minori investigat de poli?i?tii români ?i englezi, fiind cercetat? traficarea a 181 de copii romi în Marea Britanie, unde erau folosi?i la cer?etorie ?i furturi.

În Anglia, 120 de trafican?i au fost prin?i ?i aresta?i, în timp ce la noi, o parte dintre cei 26 de oameni aresta?i ?i pu?i sub acuzare au fost elibera?i dup? câteva luni. În iulie 2010, procurorii DIICOT au finalizat cercet?rile ?i „au dispus trimiterea în judecat? a 26 de inculpa?i, dintre care 18 în stare de arest preventiv”. Printre acuza?ii: de trafic de minori, sp?lare de bani, constituire a unui grup infrac?ional organizat ?i de?inerea f?r? drept de arme de foc.

Cite?te întreaga ?tire: Verdict definitiv în dosarul trafican?ilor de copii din ??nd?rei: cei 25 de inculpa?i au fost achita?i

Dosarul a fost trimis spre competent? solu?ionare Tribunalului Harghita, urmare a deciziei pronun?ate de Înalta Curte de Casa?ie ?i Justi?ie. În 2011, Tribunalul Harghita a dispus restituirea cauzei la parchet în vederea refacerii urm?ririi penale. Parchetul a ref?cut rechizitoriul, apoi, în 2012, Tribunalul a dispus iar??i restituirea dosarului la procurori. Procesul a început a?adar abia în 2013. În 2014, Parchetul a solicitat schimbarea încadr?rii juridice a faptelor re?inute în sarcina inculpa?ilor. Apoi, cercetarea judec?toreasc? a durat cinci ani. Ulterior, Tribunalul Harghita „a admis cererea de schimbare a încadr?rii juridice a faptelor” pentru to?i inculpa?ii. Astfel, s-a trecut de la pedeapsa cu închisoarea de la 5 la 20 de ani pentru „constituire a unui grup de criminalitate organizat?” (art. 7 din Legea special? nr. 39/2003) la pedeapsa cu închisoarea de la unu la 5 ani (art. 367 din Codul Penal).

Raportat la cuantumul pedepsei, termenul de prescriere a faptelor s-a mic?orat, iar inculpa?ii au fost achita?i. Decizia a fost una surprinz?toare. La începutul anului, Libertatea dezv?luia c? poli?i?tii luau mit? de la trafican?ii de copii ?i c? precizarea ap?rea chiar în motivarea Tribunalului Harghita, instan?a care a decis achitarea inculpa?ilor. DIICOT ?i unul dintre inculpa?i au f?cut apel. În ciuda blânde?ii instan?ei din România, dosarul ??nd?rei a schimbat chiar ?i legisla?ia european?, dup? prezentarea cazului în Parlamentul European, în 2011. Atunci, Uniunea European? (UE) a adoptat o directiv? care a redefinit exploatarea copiilor la cer?it ?i furat ca fiind o form? de munc? for?at?, de sclavie, potrivit sursei citate. Directiva a fost adoptat? de toate statele membre, prin urmare ?i de România. Bernie Gravett, poli?istul britanic care a coordonat cazul „??nd?rei” în Marea Britanie, a trimis, pentru cititorii Libertatea, imagini care arat? cum erau exploata?i copiii romi pe str?zile din Anglia, dar ?i cum erau ?inu?i în condi?ii mizerabile. El a dorit s? arate cititorilor Libertatea cum a fost preg?tit cazul în Marea Britanie ?i a trimis un film în care arat? probele ?ocante adunate. Acest film este folosit acum de inspectorul Gravett, care acum se ocup? de preg?tirea oamenilor legii în combaterea traficului de persoane, ca exemplu pentru a ar?ta cum se face o urm?rire a suspec?ilor.