Orban vrea s? fac? de utilitate public? funda?ia “Mogulului orfanilor României”. Funda?ia, acuzat? într-un documentar de experim

15 January 2020

Orban wants to make the foundation of the "Orphan Mogul of Romania" public utility. The foundation, accused in a documentary of experiments on children in Romania

A draft Government decision was posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor, led by Violeta Alexandru, and the project is in public debate until February 12, 2020. The foundation note and the draft Government decision, assumed by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan, as well as the ministers Violeta Alexandru, Vasile Florin Cî?u and Marian C?t?lin Predoiu, show that they declare as "of public utility" the "Sera Romania" Foundation, which requested this from the General Secretariat of the Government and which invested in Romania during the period 1996-2019, in the child protection programs about 85 million euros.

The SERA Foundation (Solidarity with Abandoned Romanian Children) is founded in the 1990s by the banker Francois Polge de Combret, investigated by several authorities in a huge corruption scandal, the Combret Frenchman being over time extremely interested in children. orphans from Romania and making a very strong lobby in Brussels.

The SERA Foundation (Solidarity with Abandoned Romanian Children) also appears in a documentary broadcast on 2009 on German WDR television, “Find me a child, I pay cash. Lobby for international adoptions ", in which are presented the pressures made to European officials for the resumption by Romania of international adoptions and it was even accused that it financed, together with American universities, the program" Project for Adoption ", carried out at the Saint Catherine Center in Bucharest, through which scientific experiments were carried out on orphaned Romanian children.

The executive director of the SERA Romania Foundation is Bogdan Simion, initially proposed, in the past, even by the former prime minister Dacian Ciolo? to be minister of Labor, but for different reasons Ciolo? has renounced its non-monetization. Bogdan Simion, a wealthy man, was also vice president of CES and, according to his statement of wealth, he also consulted with the Tanner Foundation, the World Bank and the International Bank for Reconstruction.

Bogdan Simion is also a founding member of the SERA Foundation, of the APICAD Association where he is also president, he is the executive director of the Association for the Development of the Child, he is the president of FONPC and a member of the Romanian College of Physicians.


Un proiect de hot?râre de Guvern a fost postat pe siteul ministerului Muncii, condus de Violeta Alexandru, iar proiectul se afl? în dezbatere public? pân? pe 12 februarie 2020. Nota de fundamentare ?i proiectul de hot?râre de Guvern, asumate de premierul Ludovic Orban, vicepremierul Raluca Turcan, ?i mini?trii Violeta Alexandru, Vasile Florin Cî?u ?i Marian C?t?lin Predoiu, arat? c? se declar? ca fiind “de utilitate public?” Funda?ia “Sera România”, care a cerut acest lucru Secretariatului General al Guvernului ?i care a investit în România, în perioada 1996-2019, în programele de protec?ie a copilului aproximativ 85 de milioane de euro.

Funda?ia SERA (Solidaritate cu Copiii Români Abandona?i) este fondat? în anii ’90 de c?tre bancherul Francois Polge de Combret, investigat de mai multe autorit??i într-un uria? scandal de corup?ie, francezul de Combret fiind de-a lungul timpului extrem de interesat de copiii orfani de pe teritoriul României ?i f?când un lobby foarte puternic la Bruxelles.

Funda?ia SERA (Solidaritate cu Copiii Români Abandona?i) apare ?i într-un documentar difuzat în 2009, pe televiziunea germane WDR, “G?se?te-mi un copil, pl?tesc cash. Lobby pentru adop?iile interna?ionale”, în care sunt prezentate presiunile f?cute la adresa oficialilor europeni pentru reluarea de c?tre România a adop?iilor interna?ionale ?i chiar era acuzat? c? a finan?at, al?turi de universit??i americane, programul “Proiectul pentru Adop?ie”, desf??urat la Centrul Sfânta Ecaterina din Bucure?ti, prin care s-au f?cut experimente ?tiin?ifice pe copiii români orfani.

Directorul executiv al Funda?iei SERA România este Bogdan Simion, propus ini?ial, în trecut, chiar de fostul premier Dacian Ciolo? pentru a fi ministru al Muncii, dar din diferite motive Ciolo? a renun?at la nonimalizarea acestuia. Bogdan Simion, un om înst?rit, a fost ?i vicepre?edinte al CES iar potrivit declara?iei sale de avere, a oferit consultan?? ?i Funda?iei Tanner, B?ncii Mondiale ?i Interna?ional Bank for Reconstruction.

Bogdan Simion este ?i membru fondator al Funda?iei SERA, al Asocia?iei APICAD unde este ?i pre?edinte, este director executiv al Asocia?iei pentru Dezvoltarea Copilului, este pre?edinte FONPC ?i membru al Colegiului Medicilor România.