Judecatorii din industria adoptiilor
Adoption judges
- The culprits for the disappearance of 404 adoption files from the Bucharest Court were discovered, but left unpunished, being tolerated by the Ministry of Justice. Other magistrates involved: Florea Visan, Mirela Pod, Mihai Tomescu, Daniela Bragau
Former Minister of Justice Valeriu Stoica presented to the press yesterday a scathing document, which for the first time sheds light on the phenomenon of child adoptions and the disappearance of 404 adoption files from the archives of the Bucharest Court, offenses for which no one has been punished so far. . A control carried out by the inspecting judges Gabriela Barsan, Carmen Grigore, George Ezer and Iulian Teodoriu, from the Court of Appeal and respectively the Ministry of Justice, between April and May 1997, tried to establish the responsibilities for the disappearance from the archives of the Bucharest Court of 404 files. adoptions.
The criminal phenomenon, of maximum gravity, occurred between 1990 and 1995, finding that 173 files were missing from 1990 to 1993, and the remaining 231 from 1994 to 1995. When these files disappeared, it was not possible specify with certainty, but the names of the judges and clerks involved in the adoption industry, who escaped the disciplinary sanctions on the grounds that they can no longer be applied, according to Law 92/1992 regarding the judicial organization, were established only within 1 year of at the date of the commission of the facts. On the criminal side, however, we mention that the General Prosecutor's Office buried these files, the prosecutors proving complicit with those who stole and destroyed from the TB archives the 404 files, to cover the traces of an "international trade" with children.
Thieves organized into gangs
The judicial control found that some of the causes that allowed the disappearance of the files were "the lack of responsibility of the presidents of sections and of the judges and clerks who solved these files; the non-observance of the procedures regarding the registration and solving of these cases; the non-stop of this phenomenon, by not taking the measures what were required, as a result of the notification of the Ministry of Justice since 1994; the application of too soft sanctions to the auxiliary prison ".
The files were taken out of the courtroom
The control note retains the involvement of clerks in falsifying the reports, signing some sentences of clerks and for judges, mentioning the names of Simona Radulescu and Iuliana Craciun. Also, it is noted in the note: "Regarding two files, on March 12, 1996, the lawyer Sega Marius was presented (no - he became a judge today in Section Ia of the Bucharest Court), who asked for their resignation, DOCUMENTS AFLANDU -SE TO EL. This lawyer declared on March 14, 1996, according to the report prepared by the section president, Judge Doina Popescu, that the aforementioned files were from an Italian, who in turn had them from an official working in court. ".
The sentences from the map were also stolen
Regarding three files, no. 3112/95, 3473/95 and 5794/95 from the IV Civil Section, solved in the same meeting of September 14, 1995 (complete by the judgment: Daniela Bragau, Florea Visan and Silvia Ruxandu) all sentences had the same number, respectively 860 bis. The files have disappeared, including the clerk's notebooks (permanently left abroad), but this case is particularly noteworthy because a criminal hand has even evaded sentences from the sentence map, which is kept separately from the main archive.
Changes of doubtful terms
The files 9044/94, 9161/94 and 5400/95, from the Civil Section III, all resolved on June 26, 1996, were initially suspended. After about a year, the suspended files were doubly resumed, "as a result of role replies that are not recorded in any register, even on the day they are brought directly to the hearing, without the judge verifying the request for return to the role (complete by the court: Mirela Pod, Mihai Tomescu and Firoiu Magdalena) .The two files from 1994 disappeared without the proof "that after pronouncement they were handed in the archive under the signature (Magdalena Firoiu clerk)". the file from 1995, the court inspectors found that there were several requests for term change "given by the president of the section at that time, Mirela Pod, which appear at least bizarre, because a term was changed that had not yet been fixed, the same the president arranges for the role to be played without ordering the parties to be summoned and to specify who has a term in the knowledge (...) ".
In front of the general SIE, the harness like a beetle
The control also retained: "Another cause that led to the perpetuation of the phenomenon over time was the distribution of the files by sections, respectively their judgment, especially by the Civil Section III, especially by a certain complete: Daniela Bragau and Claudia Gherbovan - Silinescu "(which is the face of General Constantin Silinescu, who was then Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, married to lawyer Radu Gherbovan). Eloquent for the way these files were conducted is the fact that the adoption files were moved from one civil section to another, depending on how the judges were transferred and also on them. Thus, with the removal of Judge Daniela Bragau from Section III, to Section IV, the files went on the same route, in violation of the legal provisions in the matter. The inspectors found that in all cases, the judges and the clerks did not report on the hierarchical line the disappearance of the files: "These operations were obviously made deliberately by those who had their management". It was held that following the removal of the archive Elena Cortel, from the archive of section III, miraculously appeared a series of conditions and registries considered missing.
cover up
Referred to in 1997 with two criminal complaints regarding the disappearance of hundreds of files, the prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office did the incompetent ones, classifying the files with the paraphrase "unknown authors" on the grounds that it was "impossible" to screen the guilty. The lie of the Prosecutor's Office is obvious, because the results of the inspections of the inspecting judges clearly retained names of clerks and judges. No one can believe that 404 files can disappear overnight, without seeing in the registers who and how he took them last time, to be held responsible. In this regard, the note of finding the inspection reached the following conclusion regarding the found guilty: "At present, the application of possible disciplinary sanctions on the administrative line is practically impossible in relation to the date of finding the aspects reported". In other words, due to a poor provision in the law of judicial organization, which states that disciplinary sanctions can be given only within one year from the date of their commission, the "black sheep" of the Bucharest Court were caught, but they remained "merchants". honest ".
Tin reopened the inquiry
At the time when Minister Rodica Stanoiu left the Justice portfolio, after the General Inspectorate, a large material regarding the disappearance of the adoption files remained to be finalized. The investigation into the adoption files was reopened as a result of the scandal related to the notifications of high representatives of the EU, which revealed that there were clear cases of corruption, when dozens of adoption sentences were pronounced in one day, by to the same judge. In the reopened investigation, the past activity of other TB magistrates, including Vice President Costica Iconomu, as well as Judge Doina Picearca, of the Bucharest Court of Appeal, former prosecutor of the sitting in TB, is analyzed in some adoption files. . We hope the results of this investigation will be communicated soon by the new management of the Ministry of Justice.
Judecatorii din industria adoptiilor
-- Vinovatii pentru disparitia a 404 dosare de adoptii de la Tribunalul Bucuresti au fost descoperiti, dar lasati nepedepsiti, fiind tolerati de Ministerul Justitiei * Judecatoarea care s-a ocupat de cele mai multe adoptii este Claudia Gherbovan - Silinescu, fiica fostului general SIE Constantin Silinescu * Alti magistrati implicati: Florea Visan, Mirela Pod, Mihai Tomescu, Daniela Bragau
Fostul ministru al Justitiei Valeriu Stoica a prezentat, ieri, presei un document naucitor, care face pentru prima data lumina in fenomenul adoptiilor de copii si disparitia a 404 dosare de adoptii din arhivele Tribunalului Bucuresti, infractiuni pentru care nimeni nu a fost pana in prezent pedepsit. Un control efectuat de judecatorii inspectori Gabriela Barsan, Carmen Grigore, George Ezer si Iulian Teodoriu, de la Curtea de Apel si respectiv Ministerul Justitiei, in perioada aprilie - mai 1997, a incercat sa stabileasca responsabilitatile pentru disparitia din arhivele Tribunalului Bucuresti a 404 dosare de adoptii.
Fenomenul infractional, de o gravitate maxima, s-a petrecut in perioada 1990 - 1995, constatandu-se ca 173 de dosare lipsesc din perioada 1990 - 1993, iar restul de 231 din perioada 1994 - 1995. Cand anume au disparut aceste dosare, nu s-a putut preciza cu certitudine, insa s-au stabilit numele judecatorilor si grefierilor implicati in industria adoptiilor, care au scapat de sanctiunile disciplinare pe motivul ca acestea nu mai pot fi aplicate, conform Legii 92/1992 privind organizarea judecatoreasca, decat in termen de 1 an de la data comiterii faptelor. Pe latura penala, insa, precizam ca Parchetul General a ingropat aceste dosare, procurorii dovedindu-se complici cu cei care au sustras si distrus din arhivele TB cele 404 dosare, pentru a acoperi urmele unui "comert international" cu copii.
Hotii organizate in bande
Controlul judecatoresc a depistat ca unele din cauzele care au permis disparitia dosarelor au fost "lipsa de raspundere a presedintilor de sectii si a judecatorilor si grefierilor care au solutionat aceste dosare; nerespectarea procedurilor privind inregistrarea si solutionarea acestor cauze; nestoparea acestui fenomen, prin neluarea masurilor ce se impuneau, ca urmare a sesizarii Ministerului Justitiei inca din 1994; aplicarea de sanctiuni prea blande presonalului auxiliar".
Dosarele erau scoase pe blat din tribunal
Nota de control retine implicarea unor grefieri in falsificarea referatelor, semnarea unor sentinte de grefieri si pentru judecatori, fiind mentionate numele lui Simona Radulescu si Iuliana Craciun. De asemenea, se arata in nota: "Cu privire la doua dosare, la 12 martie 1996 s-a prezentat avocatul Sega Marius (n.r. - acesta a ajuns azi judecator la Sectia I-a a Tribunalului Bucuresti), care a solicitat repunerea lor pe rol, DOSARELE AFLANDU-SE LA EL. Acest avocat a declarat la 14 martie 1996, conform referatului intocmit de presedintele de sectie, judecator Doina Popescu, ca dosarele amintite le avea de la un italian, care la randul sau le avea de la un functionar care lucra la tribunal".
S-au furat pana si sentintele de la mapa
Referitor la trei dosare, nr. 3112/95, 3473/95 si 5794/95 de la Sectia a IV-a civila, solutionate in aceeasi sedinta din 14 septembrie 1995 (complet de judecata: Daniela Bragau, Florea Visan si Silvia Ruxandu) toate sentintele au avut acelasi numar, respectiv 860 bis. Dosarele au disparut, inclusiv cu caietele grefierului (plecat definitiv in strainatate), dar acest caz se remarca in mod deosebit pentru ca o mana criminala a sustras pana si sentintele din mapa de sentinte, care se pastreaza separat de arhiva principala.
Preschimbari de termene dubioase
Dosarele 9044/94, 9161/94 si 5400/95, de la Sectia a III-a civila, toate solutionate la 26 iunie 1996, au fost initial suspendate. Dupa circa un an, dosarele suspendate au fost reluate in mod dubios, "ca urmare a unor repuneri pe rol ce nu se gasesc inregistrate in nici un registru, chiar in ziua in care sunt aduse direct in sedinta, fara ca judecatorul sa verifice cererea de repunere pe rol (complet de judecata: Mirela Pod, Mihai Tomescu si Firoiu Magdalena). Cele doua dosare din 1994 au disparut fara sa se poata face dovada "ca dupa pronuntare au fost predate in arhiva sub semnatura (grefier Magdalena Firoiu)". Despre dosarul din 1995, inspectorii judecatoresti au depistat ca in el existau mai multe cereri de preschimbare de termen "date de presedintele sectiei de la acea data, Mirela Pod, care apar cel putin bizare, deoarece se preschimba un termen care inca nu se fixase, acelasi presedinte dispune repunerea pe rol fara a dispune citarea partilor si a specifica cine are termen in cunostinta (...)".
Fata generalului SIE, harnica ca o albinuta
Controlul a mai retinut: "O alta cauza care a condus la perpetuarea fenomenului in timp a fost si repartizarea dosarelor pe sectii, respectiv judecarea acestora cu precadere de Sectia a III-a civila, indeosebi de un anumit complet: Daniela Bragau si Claudia Gherbovan - Silinescu" (care este chiar fata generalului Constantin Silinescu, care era pe atunci director adjunct al Serviciului de Informatii Externe, casatorita cu avocatul Radu Gherbovan). Elocvent pentru cum erau dirijate aceste dosare este si faptul ca dosarele de adoptii se mutau de la o sectie civila, la alta, in functie de cum erau mutati si judecatorii chititi pe ele. Astfel, odata cu mutarea judecatoarei Daniela Bragau de la Sectia a III-a, la Sectia a IV-a, dosarele plecau pe acelasi traseu, cu incalcarea dispozitiilor legale in materie. Inspectorii au constatat ca in mai toate cazurile, judecatorii si grefierii nu raportau pe linie ierarhica disparitia dosarelor: "Aceste operatiuni fiind facute in mod evident deliberat de catre cei care au avut gestiunea acestora". S-a retinut faptul ca in urma mutarii arhivarei Elena Cortel, de la arhiva sectiei a III-a, au aparut in mod miraculos o serie de condici si registre considerate disparute.
Sesizati in 1997 cu doua plangeri penale referitoare la disparitia sutelor de dosare, procurorii Parchetului General au facut pe incompetentii, clasand dosarele cu parafa "autori neconoscuti" pe motiv ca a fost "imposibil" sa-i depisteze pe vinovati. Minciuna Parchetului este evidenta, pentru ca rezultatele controalelor judecatorilor inspectori au retinut clar nume de grefieri si judecatori. Nimeni nu poate crede ca pot disparea peste noapte 404 dosare, fara sa se vada in registre cine si cum le-a luat ultima data, pentru a fi tras la raspundere. In aceasta privinta, nota de constatare a inspectiei a ajuns la urmatoarea concluzie vizavi de vinovatiile constatate: "In prezent, aplicarea unor eventuale sanctiuni disciplinare pe linie administrativa este practic imposibila in raport cu data constatarii aspectelor semnalate". Cu alte cuvinte, datorita unei prevederi gaunoase din legea de organizare judecatoreasca, care stabileste ca sanctiunile disciplinare se pot da numai in termen de un an de la data comiterii lor, "oile negre" ale Tribunalului Bucuresti au fost prinse, dar au ramas "negustori cinstiti".
Stanoiu a redeschis ancheta
La data cand ministrul Rodica Stanoiu a parasit portofoliul Justitiei, in urma sa a ramas de finalizat, la nivelul Inspectiei Generale, un material voluminos referitor la disparitia dosarelor de adoptii. Ancheta in dosarele de adoptii a fost redeschisa ca urmare a scandalului legat de sesizarile unor inalti reprezentanti ai UE, care au demascat faptul ca au existat cazuri clare de coruptie, cand s-au pronuntat zeci de sentinte de adoptii intr-o singura zi, de catre acelasi judecator. In cadrul anchetei redeschise, se analizeaza si activitatea trecuta a altor magistrati ai TB, printre care si a vicepresedintelui Costica Iconomu, precum si al judecatoarei Doina Picearca, de la Curtea de Apel Bucuresti, fosta procuroare de sedinta la TB, in unele dosare de adoptii. Rezultatele acestei anchete speram ca vor fi comunicate curand de noua conducere a Ministerului Justitiei.