29 January 2020

GOOD MORNING. Now, walking out in style is an art in itself. Before we get to other news, we’ll take a look at a very different type of exit due February 1. Whether one of the EU’s top HR people publicly accusing her new bosses of being cold, distant and — more generally speaking — mean, sets a good example is questionable. But if you’re on your way out anyway, why not make a statement you’ll be remembered for.

Just one piece of advice, kids: Don’t try this at home. (If you do, get your Umlaute right.)

BOMBSHELL EMAIL: Irène Souka, who will retire at the end of the month as the Commission’s director general for human resources, left a stinky parting gift in the inbox of Björn Seibert, the president’s chief of Cabinet, in the form of an email with thousands of people in copy, seen by Playbook. The subject line: “It’s all about respect.”

Spreading the word: On Tuesday afternoon, Souka sent a farewell note to her department (and her high-level network, which includes other DGs) announcing her departure after what she described as a “protracted period of uncertainty” since the new Commission took office. In the email, Souka shared a note she said she had sent to Seibert the night before and “forwarded to the Commissioner” Johannes Hahn.

Left in the dark: In the email to “dear Bjoern,” Souka said she had offered to stay longer to “help the new Commission during the first year of its mandate,” but did not get the response she had hoped for and was left in the dark about how long she was needed, or wanted. “Today, just 4 days from my retirement date, I am still no closer … to knowing the final position of the political authorities in order to provide the staff of DG HR with some clarity about my situation,” she wrote.

Parting shot: Souka, a 67-year-old Greek EU official who’s been in her current job for almost 11 years, had seen her contract as DG HR extended several times already. Not so this time around. “What I do question is a working method that lacks empathy and is disrespectful to the staff of DG HR and to myself,” Souka wrote. “It is a question of common civility and of common decency” to inform people in time about plans concerning them, she added. “I have never come across a situation managed in quite this way.”

HAHN’S RESPONSE: HR Commissioner Johannes Hahn wrote to the same list of recipients late Tuesday in an email also seen by Playbook that “in view of the upcoming retirement,” he would like to thank Souka for “her loyalty” among other things, saying it’s “widely recognised” that she has done a good job.

Mais bon, that’s it: “A year ago, Irène SOUKA agreed to a prolongation of her mandate until 31 January 2020 in order to offer her expertise and professional experience in managing a smooth transition of the European Commission. I am very grateful to her for this,” Hahn wrote. He added that from Saturday, Deputy Director General Bernard Magenhann “will be responsible and ensure business continuity in your important mission.”