The ghost cemetery on the outskirts of Bucharest: 5,000 children placed in common graves in Pipera

19 May 2019

The ghost cemetery on the outskirts of Bucharest: 5,000 children placed in common graves in Pipera

May 19, 2019 7 6840 6 minutes to read


RTnews | GOVERNMENT SECRETS. The ghost cemetery on the outskirts of Bucharest: 5,000 children placed in common graves in Pipera

Over 5,000 unidentified children were placed in approximately 100 common graves in two cemeteries, said by the poor and children, in Pipera and Frumu?ani. Everything happened between 1997 and 2000. On most of the crosses, now we, from here, do not write anything. Looks like a ghost cemetery. But he hides the pain of a mother whose child was lost in one of these common pits, and now she can't find it anymore. The woman made complaints against those who brought her child here and received a criminal fine for being silent ...

That was how they looked in 2007…

That's how it looks now

On 21.08.2014, at the headquarters of the Inspector General of Police, a complaint was registered at number 158778. By this document, Angela Tudorache, medical assistant at a hospital in Bucharest, requested the bodies authorized to search the body of her child, who died in 1997 The Municipal and buried hospital, with "documents that can no longer be found", in one of the common graves in the children's cemetery in Pipera. The story of the woman is hallucinating and scary at the same time.

"I gave birth to Gabriel, my first child, in 1997 and they came after two days to tell me that he died. I went crazy for pain. Then they put in front of me a document that I gave the child's body, to be buried by I do not know who. They said that, not being baptized, he needed a special job, which they would take care of. I signed, but I tell you that at that time I did not know what I sign. Then I asked to show my child, and they took me to the morgue. Gabriel was in a fridge, cut in two, without organs. An autopsy had been done. I asked him to let me take him and take care of him, to be sewn, dressed and put in a coffin. They did not leave me, they reminded me that I signed the paper and that it would be buried, they said then, by the Patriarchate ”, Angela Tudorache (photo) told us.

GOVERNMENT SECRETS. The ghost cemetery on the outskirts of Bucharest: 5,000 children placed in common graves in Pipera

"I have been judging them for almost 10 years"

After one year, in 1998, Angela went to the Patriarchate to find out where her child was buried. "The secretary there told me amazed that the Patriarchate does not deal with this. He put his hand on the phone and called the Municipal Hospital to ask for clarification. It was only then that the hospital patients told me that the boy was buried in the children's cemetery in Pipera, in a common grave, at position 7. I went there crying. Why didn't my child bury me, why did they put him in a common grave, where there are 40 more children? ”, Angela Tudorache continued.

In the cemetery, however, he was surprised to find that the Tudorache name appears on the tablets of two adjacent crosses, along with the names of several dozen more children. In the two graves were about 100 children, all of whom died in 1997. Angela decided then to erect two funeral monuments in the name of Gabriel Tudorache, in both places where she found the plaques, and to call the hospital for what she did.

"I asked for my child's file with the observation sheets and all the documentation related to the disease and death. I have been fighting with them for almost 10 years and I have not been able to give the documents that prove the cause of my boy's death and where he is buried. I received the answer that the archives were flooded twice, and were damaged irrecoverably. Why did they put me in the hospital to sign that document that I give up the baby's body and who they are, I haven't been clarified yet? I went to the PGI and filed a complaint to find out where my child's body was hidden, so I could light a candle on my head, "Angela Tudorache told us through tears.

How is it possible that in Romania, after 1990, there are common pits for children, what is their story and who put them there?

Between 20 and 50 children packed into a pit

The space we are talking about is in the Pipera parish cemetery, where about 100 crosses, perfectly aligned, have no name on them. It's kind of a ghost cemetery. Just on one of the crosses, there is a board with 37 names. Strangely, these names are not accompanied by the first name: Nanu, Jacob, Tiriac, Ionescu, Mogo?, Voicu ...

Apart from this sheet, everywhere only white crosses, unwritten, like ghosts, as you see with your eyes! What should this claim be?

We can solve this conundrum with photos from the same location, taken in 2007. At that time, the crosses were made of wood and each had a sheet on which were written the names of the deceased summoned here - without first name -, 30, 40 or 50 in -a common pit. All the children! Yes, about 5,000 children are buried here in 100 common graves.

"On this strip are buried several thousand children. They dug deep pits and were buried there. I even kept the jobs of these poor people brought from different hospitals and homes, most of them under one year old. The registers are at the burial association. There was no one to take care of the Christian burial of those children, ... It was a Christian gesture, "the parish priest of Pipera, Father Mihai Bogdan, told us.

Interestingly, the vast majority of children passing through the grave of the common graves died in 1997. It should be noted that in 1997, according to statistics, 5,209 children died throughout the country. That would mean that at least 80% of them were brought to Pipera.

In Frumu?ani there is a similar cemetery

The association that took care of the children placed in common graves is called the Brotherhood, and Pipera is not the only place where the association performed such "Christian" gestures. In Frumu?ani, the Brotherhood buried, also in 1997, about 250 unidentified and children in 11 communal graves. In 2002, an investigation was carried out by the General Inspectorate of Police on the common graves in Frumu?ani. The policemen took all the records of the association of Fratiei, and those from Frumu?ani and those from Pipera, and then proposed not to start the criminal investigation. Immediately after the investigation, all the crosses of the communal pits in Frumu?ani disappeared, transforming the location into a field with pits. With this, the ghost cemetery case was officially closed!

"I had all the files for those taken there, everything is legal. We did what we did with the help of the Romanian Patriarchate, the owner of the lands on which the cemeteries are located, respectively with PS Teofan (archbishop of Bucharest at that time-no). He even put us in touch with the Carol Davila Medical School, where we raised 200 bodies. I have also taken from shelters, hospitals, children's homes and other places. We consider it Christian to have a grave and a burial service each, which is why we did what we did. In Pipera, we received a plot to bury children in hospitals, born and abandoned, or from children's homes in Bucharest or in the country. Of course, we did not have money to make pits for each one, we also added two or three. But he each had at least one cloth to wrap, if not even a coffin. The financial effort is quite large, lucky that the Patriarchate helped us. This is the situation and we have nothing to hide. In 2002, all the documents, respectively the approvals from the Patriarchate and the registers, were collected by the General Inspectorate of Police. Since then I know nothing more ”, said Costel Carabelea, the head of the Brotherhood association.

On the slopes, the Patriarchate donated the land, and the Brotherhood association made the Christian gesture to place 50 children, with identity that can no longer be verified, in communal graves. Almost all in 1997. It is the strangest ghost-cemetery in Romania.

Criminal fine because he is looking for his child


Angela Tudorache tried to find out the truth about her child in the archives of the City Hall. It was not a bad idea, but he received the answer that the archives were flooded twice and the documents could not be recovered. “You can't have a bad luck and have two floods in the archive. I still hope that an archive, as all have lied and still lie, is partially, even damaged, I still hope to give someone space and move that part somewhere. And I even asked them, I told them that I was staying for two months of my life and looking for each other, but they said I shouldn't do that. I have not received any answer to my problem, only a criminal fine of 100 lei, that is to say, the costs that I had to bear. I filed the complaint with the IGPR for about a year and a half and received nothing. I know that in the meantime new crosses have appeared in the Pipera cemetery ... You will not receive an answer in my case, you will not receive anything if you ask at the Municipal Hospital, nor from the IGPR .. (cry). I'm really curious if there is even a small trace of connection between my child and other children, and if he, my child, exists in one of the two common pits. ... Like dogs ... "

We would say that they are lined up like soldiers of no one patiently waiting for justice.
