Parliamentary Debate: the numerous pedophilia scandals involving foreign citizens
15 October 2002


Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of October 15, 2002

1. Speeches by the Members of Parliament:

1.32 Vlad-Gabriel Hogea - bringing to the attention of an unpleasant subject - the numerous pedophilia scandals involving foreign citizens.

Intervention recorded according to the material submitted to the sitting secretariat

Mr. Vlad-Gabriel Hogea:

Mister President,

Dear Colleagues,

I have the unpleasant mission to bring to your attention the fact that, after 1989, under the rule of the governments that have seized power, there have been numerous pedophilia scandals involving foreign nationals in our country. The Treptow case is therefore only the tip of the iceberg.

1) In 1999, the Turkish citizen Erugrui Vahit, a driver on a TIR in transit through Romania, admitted 3 children from the street in Zal?u, aged between 10 and 15 years, which he subjected to sexual perversions (oral and anal ) in the TIR booth. As a reward, he offered them 10 German brands and 5,000 lei. The Turk was caught sexually with one of the victims, the child declaring that, in pain, he tried to press the car's horn, but the Turkish pedophile hit him in the head.

2) In 1996, the French citizen Michel Paul Albenque (49 years), was sentenced by the Bucharest Court to 5 years imprisonment for maintaining pedophile relationships, of homosexual type, with more boys, street children. The court decided that the pedophile should be expelled from Romania after the execution of the sentence. Since Albenque is also the author of crimes against sexual life, committed in his country of origin, in 1999, the French justice requested the extradition of the pedophile, but he expressed his wish to remain in the Romanian prisons, where conditions are much better. . Secondly, the French Criminal Code provides for the offenses committed by Albenque with a higher punishment than in Romania, going up to 15 years of detention. Michel Albenque was the head of an international network of pedophiles, made up of dozens of people arrested in 2002 for rape and sexual harassment. Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of children's recruitment since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search conducted in Albenque's garage, notebooks were found with complete lists, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles have moved to Romania, under the pretext of conducting commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of children's recruitment since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search conducted in Albenque's garage, notebooks were found with complete lists, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles have moved to Romania, under the pretext of conducting commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of children's recruitment since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search conducted in Albenque's garage, notebooks were found with complete lists, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles have moved to Romania, under the pretext of conducting commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search conducted in Albenque's garage, notebooks were found with complete lists, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles have moved to Romania, under the pretext of conducting commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search conducted in Albenque's garage, notebooks were found with complete lists, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles have moved to Romania, under the pretext of conducting commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors!

3) English pedophiles who seek victims abroad are mainly oriented towards European states, most often to Romania, the Czech Republic, Spain and Portugal. In January 2000, British citizen Andrew John Robert Badler (30 years old), pastor of the Pentecostal International Church, was arrested in Bucharest on charges of pedophilia, after being caught in a sector 4 apartment, along with two children under 15 years with which he maintained, periodically, sexual relations. He did not acknowledge his facts, claiming that he helped the children with money and food, his presence in Romania being justified by a charitable purpose.

4) Another Briton, Bob Sutton (49 years old), an employee of the Bartimaens Charity Society, lived in 2000 in a cohabitation in Timisoara with a minor of 15. The pedophile was guilty of the fact that ?? girls in Romania grow faster "(sic!). He was neither investigated nor convicted.

5) Mason Neal Jeeffrey (54 years old), a British citizen, was arrested in 2001 in Brasov for pedophilia and illegal possession of weapons and ammunition, being sentenced a year later to 12 years in prison. The English poet corrupted and subjected to sexual perversions 10 children (most of them boys), to whom he made money gifts (50,000 - 100,000 lei) and clothing. In order to obtain a residence visa in Romania, Jeeffrey founded a company, SC ?? Mason Service "SRL, to which he was the only associate. On the list of activity objects the figure and the" body care "of children in our country. The real purpose was the perversion of innocent beings. The policemen managed to flagrantly surprise the English criminal, after several months of informative follow-up (including by installing a video camera in the pedophile's apartment). Jeeffrey tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide by hanging in the arrest of the Brasov Police. The motivation was as follows: “I knew that one day it would come out what I did here with the children. (??) I'm afraid of the detention regime ".

6) In 2001, policemen in the Capital watched dozens of video tapes and floppy disks belonging to the impoverished American pedophile David Raimond Anderson, a Vietnam War veteran, accused by parents of little girls of having sex with them. An attempt was made to assassinate the vicious sexagenarian in February last year. The course of events is not known.

7) In 2001, Kevin's husband and Lumini?a Schaffer (American, she is a Romanian) were at the center of a media scandal, being accused of kidnapping children on the street in Brasov, which they grew up isolated in a house in Harghita mountains, running periodically for the benefit of the organ trafficking mafia. They harassed the children, putting them to work from morning till night, subjecting them to a starvation regime if they did not make it "the norm." The suspicions are based on real support. It is hard to believe that in Romania , a foreigner could take care of a few miserable children without any interest, but the authorities did not take the attitude.

8) In 1994, the Norwegian Stein Bjorge Hangland (42 years), and the Danish Echolm Herluf (58 years), came to Romania, with aid for the House for Disabled Children in Media?, Sibiu County. Apparently, the aim was to institutionalize, in the area, an alternative schooling system for graduates with disabilities, from the high school cycle, as well as one for the care of street children. In 1997, the two were accused of pedophilia (maintenance of oral and anal sex), being advised by local authorities to leave the country urgently. The Danish complied, but due to mental pressure, he succumbed in 1998. The Norwegian Hangland was arrested and charged in a trial that resulted in his acquittal in 1999!

Pedophile has threatened to ask the Romanian state for damages worth $ 1 million! It is obviously an incredible concealment, doubled by the formidable impertinence of the offender.

9) The German citizen Jürgen Dieter Henk (56 years) collected, during the period July-December 2000, several street children, between the ages of 15 and 17 years, with whom he maintained anal and oral sex. In his home in Timisoara, Henk had an audio-video studio, broadcasting over 200 films and 12,000 pornographic photographs with minors on the Internet. Sick of AIDS, the pedophile who infected many of Timisoara's auricles with the immunodeficiency virus, died a year later on the bed of a hospital in Târgu Mure?.

10) In August 2002, German pedophile Andreas Ernest Maria was investigated for molesting 3 minors from street children in Bucharest, who forced them to have oral sex and then photographed them. The offender came to Romania since 1991, under the guise of computer software businesses. Several CDs and photo films were confiscated from the apartment where he lived.

11) Other cross-border pedophiles in the police spotlight: John Taylor (English pastor) and Günter Wiman (German citizen), the latter adopting the BC minor, whom he took to Germany, to subject him to sexual perversion. Both pedophiles were part of the international Necro Pedo chain, with wide ramifications, including on the Internet.

12) In 2000, US citizen Michael Dean Garvey (46 years old), convicted in the United States of child molestation and sexual abuse of a minor, was arrested in Romania, where he had taken refuge to escape the punishment.

13) Dutchman Jon de Boer Hendrik (27 years old), the financer of the Foundation "Romanian Christian Movement", was arrested in 2000 on charges of sexual corruption and ill-treatment of minors. The pedophile maintained sexual relations with two orphan brothers, one night by night, between November 1999 - May 2000, subjecting these children to the most horrific perversions. The police have told the press that the victims' support the pedophile, they really love him "(sic!).

14) Kurt Treptow (40 years old), an American historian who immigrated to Romania, was at the center of a scandal that started as a pedophile. Suspected of being a double agent (CIA and SIE), Treptow was substantially funded for espionage activities, his masters exploiting his vices to better manipulate him. The close relations with Ion Iliescu (who decorated and granted him the Romanian citizenship) and Ioan Talpe? (his marriage grandfather) provided him with the necessary political protection. Treptow's seized cassettes, floppy disks and pornographic CDs are gone. However, the testimonies of abused children will give credence to the efforts aimed at highlighting the close links between the PSD regime and one of the most monstrous foreign pedophiles who have acted in Romania. This truth cannot be denied.

15) Matthew Jude Hanrahan, a US citizen, former English teacher at Costache Negruzzi International High School in Iasi, has collected, from 1992-1993, many abandoned children, located in the orphanages of Iasi, for some material advantages. (money, sweets, clothes, shoes), he sexually abused. The pedophile came to Romania with the help of the "Sörös" Foundation, whose influence agent was throughout his stay in our country. The investigation has just begun.

16) The Danish citizen Jack Kim Dyhr (36 years old) is being investigated by the prosecutors of Constan?a for maintaining sexual relations with minors and sexual corruption. Dyhr, a naval officer, does not acknowledge the charges against him, claiming that he is the victim of a crime staged due to his homosexual orientation. In fact, there is conclusive evidence that the Danish has collected, during the period 1999-2001, eight street children, with whom he maintained oral and anal intercourse.

We have presented only a few significant examples, the full list of foreign pedophiles in Romania being much broader.
