Parliament has passed a law that makes the adoption procedure easier
3 November 2020

On Tuesday, the Chamber of Deputies decisively adopted the draft amending and supplementing the Law on the adoption procedure, in the sense that the procedure for evaluating adopters and the post-adoption monitoring stage is made more flexible, as well as debureaucratizing procedures, including: elimination from the procedure the identification of relatives up to the fourth degree in cases where the individualized child protection plan aims at adoption; making the adoption procedure more flexible for children who have reached the age of 14, as well as groups of siblings who cannot be separated.

Among the changes proposed by the two deputies is the elimination of the double search for relatives up to the fourth degree - both for establishing the protection measure and for approving the adoption. Relatives will be searched only once and only up to the third degree, thus shortening the periods in which children remain trapped in the protection system, shows, in a press release, the deputy Oana Bizgan who submitted amendments to the project by law.

Also, for the first time, children declared adoptable will be able to benefit from the chance at a family, even after reaching the age of 14, remaining adoptable until adulthood.

For adoptive parents, the measures are extremely beneficial: the period of validity of the adopter certificate is extended from 2 to 5 years, the accommodation leave and the allowances they receive are aligned with the benefits enjoyed by any biological parent, and the bureaucracy excessive is considerably reduced, precisely to emphasize the quality of the act of adoption and to humanize the whole process which, we must remember, serves human lives and not files with rail.

"If the adopter or the adoptive family belongs to the national minorities, the evaluation and preparation can be done, upon request, in the language of the respective national minorities", the legislative proposal adopted by the deputies also shows.

"I am very happy that we have managed to pass this law, which is really for the benefit of the children. It has been more than two years since we worked for this initiative to become a reality, and for the children in the protection system to have, in a "The changes brought by the law passed today have been awaited for years by children in the protection system but also by parents who want to adopt and I am glad that we can tell them today that we have succeeded." said Oana Bizgan, according to the quoted source.

In her turn, the PSD deputy Roxana Minzatu, who fined the legislative initiative of the Government, specified that she wants the law to be applied even for "hard-to-adopt" children.

"I confess that the parents in search of the child to whom to give their love are the ones who motivated me to get involved in debating and completing the adoption law. Starting from a very good bill, initiated by the Government in 2018, I worked with by Oana Bizgan, to a series of amendments that are in the form of the law voted today.All I want is that, by applying this law, children, all children, including those we call "hard to adopt", to find much more quickly parents with whom to form a family in which to grow up beautifully but also safely. "

Currently, approximately 50,000 children live in the child protection system, according to official data made public by the Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions, according to the mentioned source.


Camera Deputatilor a adoptat marti, decizional, proiectul care modifica si completeaza Legea privind procedura adoptiei, in sensul in care este flexibilizata procedura de evaluare a adoptatorilor si a etapei de monitorizare post-adoptie, precum si debirocratizarea unor proceduri, printre care: eliminarea din procedura a identificarii rudelor de pana la gradul al IV-lea in cazurile in care planul individualizat de protectie a copilului are ca finalitate adoptia; flexibilizarea derularii procedurii de adoptie pentru copiii care au implinit varsta de 14 ani, precum si a grupurilor de frati care nu pot fi separati.

Printre modificarile propuse de cele doua deputate se numara eliminarea cautarii duble a rudelor de pana la gradul al patrulea - atat la stabilirea masurii de protectie, cat si pentru incuviintarea adoptiei. Rudele vor fi cautate o singura data si doar pana la gradul al treilea, scurtandu-se, astfel, perioadele in care copiii raman blocati in sistemul de protectie, arata, intr-un comunicat de presa, deputata Oana Bizgan care a depus amendamente la proiectul de lege.

De asemenea, pentru prima data, copiii declarati adoptabili vor putea beneficia de sansa la o familie inclusiv dupa implinirea varstei de 14 ani, ramanand adoptabili pana la majorat.

Pentru parintii adoptatori, masurile sunt extrem de benefice: se prelungeste perioada de valabilitate a atestatului de adoptator de la 2 la 5 ani, concediul de acomodare si indemnizatiile pe care acestia le primesc sunt aliniate cu beneficiile de care se bucura orice parinte biologic, iar birocratia excesiva este redusa considerabil, tocmai pentru a pune accentul pe calitatea actului de adoptie si a umaniza intreg procesul care, trebuie sa ne amintim, serveste vieti umane si nu dosare cu sina.

"In cazul in care adoptatorul sau familia adoptatoare apartine minoritatilor nationale, evaluarea si pregatirea se pot face, la cerere, in limba minorita ti nationale respective", mai arata propunerea legislativa adoptata de catre deputati.

"Ma bucur enorm ca am reusit sa trecem si aceasta lege care este, cu adevarat, in beneficiul copiilor. Sunt mai bine de doi ani de cand muncim pentru ca aceasta initiativa sa devina realitate, iar copiii din sistemul de protectie sa aiba, in mod real, sansa la o familie. Schimbarile aduse prin legea votata astazi sunt asteptate de ani de zile de copiii din sistemul de protectie dar si de parintii care isi doresc sa adopte si ma bucur ca le putem spune astazi ca am reusit." a declarat Oana Bizgan, conform sursei citate.

La randul ei deputata PSD Roxana Minzatu, care a amendat initiativa legislativa a Guvernului, a precizat ca isi doreste ca legea sa fie aplicata inclusiv pentru copiii "greu adoptabili".

"Marturisesc ca parintii in cautarea copilului caruia sa ii daruiasca iubirea lor sunt cei care m-au motivat sa ma implic in dezbaterea si completarea legii adoptiei. Pornind de la un proiect de lege foarte bun, initiat de Guvern in 2018, am lucrat, alaturi de Oana Bizgan, la o serie de amendamente care se regasesc in forma legii votata azi. Tot ce imi doresc este ca, prin aplicarea acestei legi, copiii, toti copiii, inclusiv cei carora le spunem "greu adoptabili", sa isi gaseasca mult mai repede parintii alaturi de care sa formeze familia in care sa creasca frumos dar si in siguranta." a explicat Minzatu.

In prezent, aproximativ 50.000 de copiii traiesc in sistemul de protectie a copilului, conform datelor oficiale facute publice de catre Autoritatea pentru Drepturile Persoanelor cu Dizabilitati, Copii si Adoptii, conform sursei mentionate.
