Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of 15 October 2002
15 October 2002

Mister President,

Dear Colleagues,

I have an unpleasant mission to bring to your attention the fact that, after 1989, under the auspices of the governments that came to power, numerous pedophilia scandals broke out in the territory of our country, in which foreign citizens were involved. The Treptow case is, therefore, only the tip of the iceberg.

1) In 1999, the Turkish citizen Erugrui Vahit, driver of a TIR truck in transit through Romania, lured 3 children from the street in Zal?u, aged between 10 and 15, which he subjected to sexual perversions (oral and anal ) in the TIR cab. As a reward, he offered them 10 German marks and 5,000 lei. The Turk was caught having sex with one of the victims, the child declaring that, out of pain, he tried to press the horn of the car, but the Turkish pedophile hit him in the head.

2) In 1996, the French citizen Michel Paul Albenque (49 years old), was sentenced by the Bucharest Tribunal to 5 years in prison for maintaining pedophile relationships, of homosexual type, with several boys, street children. The court decided that the pedophile should be expelled from Romania after the execution of the sentence. As Albenque is also the perpetrator of crimes against sexual life, committed in his country of origin, in 1999, the French court requested the extradition of the pedophile, but he expressed his desire to remain in Romanian prisons, where conditions are much better. . Secondly, the French Criminal Code provides for a higher punishment for crimes committed by Albenque than in Romania, up to 15 years in prison. Michel Albenque was the head of an international network of pedophiles, consisting of dozens of people arrested in 2002 for rape and sexual harassment. Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of the recruitment of children since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of them recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of the recruitment of children since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of the recruitment of children since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! as well as the network of dozens of people looking for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of them recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! as well as the network of dozens of people looking for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of them recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors!

3) English pedophiles looking for victims abroad are mainly oriented towards European states, most frequently towards Romania, the Czech Republic, Spain and Portugal. In January 2000, British citizen Andrew John Robert Badler (30), pastor of the International Pentecostal Church, was detained in Bucharest on charges of pedophilia after being caught in an apartment in Sector 4, along with two minors of 15 years with which he regularly had sex. He did not admit his deeds, claiming that he helped minors with money and food, his presence in Romania being justified by a charitable purpose.

4) Another Briton, Bob Sutton (49 years old), employee of the Charity Society "Bartimaens", lived, in 2000, in cohabitation, in Timi?oara, with a minor of 15 years. The pedophile apologized by the fact that ?? girls in Romania grow faster "(sic!). He was not investigated or convicted.

5) Mason Neal Jeeffrey (54 years old), British citizen, was arrested in 2001 in Brasov for pedophilia and illegal possession of weapons and ammunition, being sentenced a year later to 12 years in prison. The English poet corrupted and subjected to sexual perversions 10 children (mostly boys), to whom he gave gifts in money (50,000 - 100,000 lei) and clothes. In order to obtain a residence visa in Romania, Jeeffrey set up a company, SC Mason Service "SRL, with which he was the sole partner. On the list of objects of activity was the figure and" body care "of children in our country. The real purpose was to pervert innocent beings. The police managed to catch the English criminal in flagrante delicto, at the end of a few months of intelligence investigation (including by installing a video camera in the pedophile's apartment). Jeeffrey tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide by hanging himself in the custody of the Brasov Police. The motivation was this: “I knew that one day what I did here with the children would come to light. (??) I am afraid of the detention regime ".

6) In 2001, the police in the Capital watched dozens of videos and floppy disks belonging to the fierce American pedophile David Raimond Anderson, a veteran of the Vietnam War, accused by the parents of some girls of having sex with them. An assassination attempt was made against the vicious 60-year-old in February last year. The course of events is unknown.

7) In 2001, husband and wife Kevin and Lumini?a Schaffer (he American, she Romanian) were at the center of a press scandal, being accused of adopting children from the street in Brasov, whom they raised in isolation in a house in The Harghita Mountains, regularly running for the benefit of the organ traffickers' mafia. They tortured the children, making them work from morning till night, subjecting them to a starvation regime if they did not do their "norm". The suspicions are based on a real support. It is hard to believe that in Romania , a foreigner could take care of some unfortunate children without any interest, but the authorities did not take action.

8) In 1994, the Norwegian Stein Bjorge Hangland (42 years old), and the Danish Echolm Herluf (58 years old), came to Romania, with aids for the Handicapped Children's Home from Media?, Sibiu County. Apparently, the aim was to institutionalize, in the area, an alternative system for the schooling of disabled graduates from the gymnasium cycle, as well as one for the protection of street children. In 1997, the two were charged with pedophilia (having oral and anal sex), and were advised by local authorities to leave the country urgently. The Dane complied, but due to mental pressure, he succumbed in 1998. The Norwegian Hangland was arrested and charged in a trial that resulted, however, in his acquittal in 1999!

The pedophile threatened to demand compensation of 1 million dollars from the Romanian state! It is obviously an incredible cover-up, doubled by the formidable impertinence of the offender.

9) The German citizen Jürgen Dieter Henk (56 years old) recruited, between July and December 2000, several street children, aged between 15 and 17, with whom he had anal and oral sex. In his home in Timisoara, Henk had an audio-video studio, broadcasting over 200 films and 12,000 child pornographic photos on the Internet. Sick with AIDS, the pedophile who infected many aurochs from Timisoara with the immunodeficiency virus, died a year later on the bed of a hospital in Târgu Mure?.

10) In August 2002, the German pedophile Andreas Ernest Maria was investigated for molesting 3 minors from street children in Bucharest, whom he forced to have oral sex and then photographed. The criminal had been coming to Romania since 1991, under the pretext of doing business with computer software. Several CDs and photographic films were confiscated from the apartment where he lived.

11) Other cross-border pedophiles in the attention of the Police: John Taylor (English pastor) and Günter Wiman (German citizen), the latter adopting the minor BC, whom he took to Germany, to subject him to sexual perversions. Both pedophiles were part of the "Necro Pedo" international chain, with wide branches, including on the Internet.

12) In 2000, the American citizen Michael Dean Garvey (46 years old), convicted in the USA for molestation and sexual abuse of minors, was arrested in Romania, where he had taken refuge to escape punishment.

13) The Dutchman Jon de Boer Hendrik (27 years old), the financier of the "Romanian Christian Movement" Foundation, was arrested in 2000 on charges of sexual corruption and ill-treatment of minors. The pedophile had sex with two orphaned brothers at night. at night, between November 1999 and May 2000, subjecting these children to the most horrible perversions. The police told the press that the victims "care about the pedophile, they really love him" (sic!).

14) Kurt Treptow (40 years old), American historian who immigrated to Romania, was at the center of a scandal triggered by his unmasking as a pedophile. Suspected of being a double agent (CIA and SIE), Treptow was substantially funded for espionage activities, his masters exploiting his vices to better handle him. The close relations with Ion Iliescu (who decorated him and granted him Romanian citizenship) and Ioan Talpe? (his godfather) provided him with the necessary political protection. Hundreds of pornographic tapes, floppy disks and CDs confiscated from Treptow have disappeared without a trace. The testimonies of the abused children will, however, give credibility to the efforts meant to highlight the close ties between the PSD Regime and one of the most monstrous foreign pedophiles who acted in Romania. This truth cannot be denied.

15) Matthew Jude Hanrahan, American citizen, former English teacher at the "Costache Negruzzi" Boarding School in Iasi, recruited, since 1992-1993, many abandoned children, in orphanages in Iasi, which, for some material advantages (money, sweets, clothes, shoes), sexually abused. The pedophile came to Romania with the help of the "Sörös" Foundation, whose agent of influence was during his stay in our country. The investigation has just begun.

16) The Danish citizen Jack Kim Dyhr (36 years old), is being investigated by the Constanta prosecutors for having sex with minors and sexual corruption. Dyhr, a naval officer, does not admit the accusations brought against him, claiming that he is the victim of a staging due to his homosexual orientation. In reality, there is conclusive evidence that the Dane recruited, in the period 1999-2001, eight street children, with whom he had oral and anal sex.

We have presented only a few significant examples, the complete list of foreign pedophiles in Romania being much more extensive.


Domnule pre?edinte,

Stima?i colegi,

Am nepl?cuta misiune de a v? readuce în aten?ie faptul c?, dup? 1989, sub obl?duirea guvernelor care s-au perindat la putere, pe teritoriul ??rii noastre au izbucnit numeroase scandaluri de pedofilie în care au fost implica?i cet??eni str?ini. Cazul Treptow este, a?adar, numai vîrful aisbergului.

1) În anul 1999, cet??eanul turc Erugrui Vahit, ?ofer pe un TIR aflat în tranzit prin România, a ademenit 3 copii ai str?zii din Zal?u, cu vârste cuprinse între 10 si 15 ani, pe care i-a supus la perversiuni sexuale (orale ?i anale) în cabina TIR-ului. Drept recompens?, le-a oferit cîte 10 m?rci germane ?i 5.000 de lei. Turcul a fost prins în plin act sexual cu una dintre victime, copilul declarînd c?, de durere, a încercat s? apese pe claxonul ma?inii, îns? pedofilul turc l-a lovit în cap.

2) În anul 1996, cet?teanul francez Michel Paul Albenque (49 de ani), a fost condamnat de c?tre Tribunalul Bucure?ti la 5 ani de închisoare pentru între?inerea de rela?ii pedofile, de tip homosexual, cu mai multi b?ie?i, copii ai str?zii. Instan?a a hot?rât ca pedofilul s? fie expulzat din România dup? executarea pedepsei. Deoarece Albenque este ?i autorul unor infrac?iuni contra vie?ii sexuale, comise în ?ara sa de origine, în anul 1999, Justi?ia francez? a solicitat extr?darea pedofilului, îns?, acesta ?i-a exprimat dorin?a de a r?mâne în închisorile române?ti, unde condi?iile sînt mult mai bune. În al doilea rând, Codul penal francez prevede pentru infrac?iunile s?vâr?ite de Albenque o pedeaps? mai mare decât în România, mergând pîn? la 15 ani de deten?ie. Michel Albenque era capul unei re?ele interna?ionale de pedofili, format? din zeci de persoane, arestate în 2002 pentru violuri ?i molest?ri sexuale. Poli?ia a g?sit la domiciliul lui Albenque însemn?ri ce dezv?luiau organizarea recrut?rii copiilor, din 1989, precum ?i re?eaua alc?tuit? din zeci de persoane care î?i c?utau victimele la periferia marilor ora?e din Fran?a, România si Germania. În urma unei perchezi?ii efectuate în garajul lui Albenque, s-au g?sit carnete cu liste complete, cuprinzând numele a sute de copii, dintre care foarte mul?i recruta?i din România. Ispiti?i de u?urin?a cu care î?i puteau practica viciul în ?ara noastr?, unii pedofili str?ini s-au mutat cu totul în România, sub pretextul desf??ur?rii unor activit??i comerciale, beneficiind ?i de avantajele oferite de statul român investitorilor str?ini!

3) Pedofilii englezi care î?i caut? victime în afara ??rii se orienteaz? cu prec?dere spre statele europene, cel mai frecvent spre România, Cehia, Spania si Portugalia. În ianuarie 2000, cet??eanul britanic Andrew John Robert Badler (30 de ani), pastor al Bisericii Interna?ionale Penticostale, a fost re?inut în Bucure?ti sub acuza?ia de pedofilie, dup? ce fusese surprins într-un apartament din sectorul 4, împreun? cu doi minori de 15 ani cu care între?inea, periodic, rela?ii sexuale. Nu ?i-a recunoscut faptele, sus?inând c? i-a ajutat pe minori cu bani ?i mâncare, prezen?a sa în România fiind justificat? de un scop caritabil.

4) Alt britanic, Bob Sutton (49 de ani), angajat al Societ??ii de Caritate ?Bartimaens", tr?ia, în anul 2000, în concubinaj, în Timi?oara, cu o minor? de 15 ani. Pedofilul se dezvinov??ea prin faptul c? ?fetele din România cresc mai repede" (sic!). Nu a fost anchetat ?i nici condamnat.

5) Mason Neal Jeeffrey (54 de ani), cet??ean britanic, a fost arestat în anul 2001 în Bra?ov pentru pedofilie ?i de?inere ilegal? de armament ?i muni?ie, fiind condamnat un an mai târziu la 12 ani de închisoare. Poetul englez a corupt ?i supus la perversiuni sexuale 10 copii (majoritatea b?ie?i), c?rora le f?cea cadouri în bani (50.000 - 100.000 de lei) ?i îmbr?c?minte. Pentru a ob?ine viz? de ?edere în România, Jeeffrey a înfiin?at o firm?, SC ?Mason Service" SRL, la care era unic asociat. Pe lista obiectelor de activitate figura ?i ?îngrijirea corporal?" a copiilor din ?ara noastr?. Scopul real era pervertirea unor fiin?e nevinovate. Poli?i?tii au reu?it s?-l surprind? în flagrant pe infractorul englez, la cap?tul câtorva luni de urm?rire informativ? (inclusiv prin instalarea unei camere video în apartamentul pedofilului). Jeeffrey a încercat, f?r? succes, s? se sinucid? prin spânzurare, în arestul Poli?iei bra?ovene. Motiva?ia era urm?toarea: ??tiam c? într-o bun? zi va ie?i la iveal? ce am f?cut aici cu copiii. (?) Mi-e team? de regimul de deten?ie".

6) În 2001, poli?i?tii din Capital? au vizionat câteva zeci de casete video ?i dischete apar?inând înr?itului pedofil american David Raimond Anderson, veteran al r?zboiului din Vietnam, acuzat de p?rin?ii unor feti?e c? ar fi între?inut cu acestea rela?ii sexuale. Împotriva sexagenarului vicios s-a produs o tentativ? de asasinat în luna februarie a anului trecut. Nu se cunoa?te urmarea cursului evenimentelor.

7) În anul 2001, so?ii Kevin si Lumini?a Schaffer (el american, ea românc?) s-au aflat în centrul unui scandal de pres?, fiind acuza?i c? au înfiat copii ai str?zii din Bra?ov, pe care îi cre?teau izola?i într-o cas? din Mun?ii Harghitei, rulându-i periodic în folosul mafiei trafican?ilor de organe. Ei îi chinuiau pe copii, punându-i s? munceasc? de diminea?? pîn? seara, supunîndu-i la un regim de înfometare dac? nu-?i f?ceau ?norma". Suspiciunile se bazeaz? pe un suport real. E greu de crezut c?, în România, un str?in ar putea lua în grij? câ?iva copii nenoroci?i f?r? s? aib? vreun interes. Autorit??ile nu au luat, îns?, atitudine.

8) În 1994, norvegianul Stein Bjorge Hangland (42 de ani), ?i danezul Echolm Herluf (58 de ani), au venit în România, cu ajutoare pentru Casa de copii handicapa?i din Media?, jude?ul Sibiu. Aparent, se urm?rea institu?ionalizarea, în zon?, a unui sistem alternativ de ?colarizare a absolven?ilor cu handicap, din ciclul gimnazial, precum si unul de ocrotire a copiilor str?zii. În 1997, cei doi au fost acuza?i de pedofilie (între?inerea de rela?ii sexuale orale si anale), fiind sf?tui?i de c?tre autorit??ile locale s? p?r?seasc? urgent ?ara. Danezul s-a conformat, dar, din cauza presiunii psihice, a sucombat în 1998. Norvegianul Hangland a fost arestat ?i inculpat într-un proces care s-a soldat, îns?, cu achitarea sa, în 1999!

Pedofilul a amenin?at c? va solicita statului român desp?gubiri în valoare de 1 milion de dolari! Este, evident, o mu?amalizare incredibil?, dublat? de formidabila impertinen?? a infractorului.

9) Cet??eanul german Jürgen Dieter Henk (56 de ani) a racolat, în perioada iulie-decembrie 2000, mai mul?i copii ai str?zii, cu vârste cuprinse între 15 si 17 ani, cu care a între?inut rela?ii sexuale anale si orale. În locuin?a sa din Timi?oara, Henk avea un studio audio-video, difuzând pe Internet peste 200 de filme ?i 12.000 de fotografii pornografice cu minori. Bolnav de SIDA, pedofilul care i-a infectat pe numero?i aurolaci timi?oreni cu virusul imunodeficitar, a decedat un an mai târziu pe patul unui spital din Târgu Mure?.

10) În august 2002, pedofilul german Andreas Ernest Maria a fost cercetat pentru molestarea a 3 minori proveni?i din rândul copiilor str?zii din Bucure?ti, pe care îi obliga s? fac? sex oral ?i apoi îi fotografia. Infractorul venea în România înc? din 1991, sub pretextul unor afaceri cu soft pentru calculatoare. Din apartamentul unde locuia s-au confiscat mai multe CD-uri ?i filme fotografice.

11) Al?i pedofili transfrontalieri afla?i în aten?ia Poli?iei: John Taylor (pastor englez) si Günter Wiman (cet??ean german), ultimul adoptându-l pe minorul B.C., pe care l-a dus în Germania, pentru a-l supune la perversiuni sexuale. Amândoi pedofilii f?ceau parte din filiera interna?ional? ?Necro Pedo", cu ample ramifica?ii, inclusiv pe Internet.

12) În anul 2000, cet??eanul american Michael Dean Garvey (46 de ani), condamnat în SUA pentru molestare ?i abuz sexual asupra unor minori, a fost arestat în România, unde se refugiase pentru a sc?pa de pedeaps?.

13) Olandezul Jon de Boer Hendrik (27 de ani), finan?atorul Funda?iei ?Mi?carea Cre?tin? Român?", a fost arestat în anul 2000 sub acuza?ia de corup?ie sexual? ?i rele tratamente aplicate minorilor. Pedofilul a între?inut rela?ii sexuale cu doi fra?i orfani, noapte de noapte, în perioada noiembrie 1999 - mai 2000, supunându-i pe ace?ti copii la cele mai oribile perversiuni. Poli?i?tii au declarat presei c? victimele ??in la pedofil, chiar îl iubesc" (sic!).

14) Kurt Treptow (40 de ani), istoric american imigrat în România, s-a aflat în centrul unui scandal declan?at în urma demasc?rii sale ca pedofil. Suspectat de a fi agent dublu (CIA ?i SIE), Treptow a fost finan?at substan?ial pentru activit??i de spionaj, st?pânii s?i exploatându-i viciile pentru a-l manipula mai bine. Rela?iile strânse cu Ion Iliescu (care l-a decorat ?i i-a acordat cet??enia român?) ?i Ioan Talpe? (na?ul s?u de cununie) i-au furnizat protec?ia politic? necesar?. Sutele de casete, dischete ?i CD-uri pornografice confiscate de la Treptow au disp?rut f?r? urm?. M?rturiile copiilor abuza?i vor da, îns?, credibilitate demersurilor menite s? eviden?ieze leg?turile strânse dintre Regimul PSD ?i unul dintre cei mai monstruo?i pedofili str?ini care au ac?ionat în România. Acest adev?r nu poate fi negat.

15) Matthew Jude Hanrahan, cet??ean american, fost profesor de limba englez? la Liceul internat ?Costache Negruzzi" din Ia?i, a racolat, înc? din 1992-1993, numero?i copii abandona?i, afla?i în orfelinatele ie?ene, de care, pentru unele avantaje materiale (bani, dulciuri, haine, înc?l??minte), a abuzat sexual. Pedofilul a venit în România cu ajutorul Fundatiei ?Sörös", al c?rui agent de influen?? a fost pe tot parcursul ?ederii în ?ara noastr?. Ancheta abia a început.

16) Cet??eanul danez Jack Kim Dyhr (36 de ani), este cercetat de procurorii const?n?eni pentru între?inerea de rela?ii sexuale cu minori ?i corup?ie sexual?. Dyhr, ofi?er de marin?, nu recunoa?te acuza?iile care i se aduc, sus?inând c? este victima unei înscen?ri datorate orient?rii sale homosexuale. În realitate, exist? probe concludente potrivit c?rora danezul a racolat, în perioada 1999-2001, opt copii ai str?zii, cu care a între?inut rela?ii sexuale orale si anale.

Am prezentat numai câteva exemple semnificative, lista complet? a pedofililor str?ini din România fiind mult mai ampl?.
