5 January 2021

SERA ROMANIA Foundation , as a partner in the project: REDUCING RISK FOR institutionalization of children through innovative Bucharest region - COD SMIS 2014+: 129 446 , recruiting expert implementation (P) partner (occupation code - 242 104 responsible process) for the activities corresponding to the partner in the aforementioned project.

General attributions:

Ensures the technical implementation of sub-activity A 3.2 - Implementation of measures that support the deinstitutionalization and provision of services at the community level by providing financial support to prevent the separation of the child from his family / institutionalization

Specific conditions for filling the available position:

Participates in the elaboration of the procedure for granting subsidies for the prevention of the separation of the child from his / her family, within A 3.2 .;

Prepares tools and forms necessary to carry out the activity;

Participates in the preparation of grant files;

Monitors the beneficiaries of the subsidies and the way in which they contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the target group;

Elaborates the list of beneficiaries of subsidies within A 3.2;

Follows the way of carrying out the activities in which he is involved;

Participates in implementation team meetings, regular meetings with partners and monitoring meetings;

Participates in the reception, selection and evaluation commissions of

procurement offers where nominated.

Education required: Higher education - 3 years;

Required experience: Minimum seniority - 1 year;

Required skills:

Ease of expressing ideas;

Communication and relationship skills,

Taking responsibility;

Patience and resistance to repetitive tasks;

Ability to assertive interpersonal relationships;

Emotional balance;

Public work skills;

Sense of observation;

Ethical and organizational spirit;

Desire for self-improvement and continuous professional development

The activity will take place in the implementation locations of the project, respectively in Bucharest and Ilfov County, as well as at the employer's headquarters in Bucharest.

Working hours: 84 hours / month, determined period.

Interested persons will send the CV (europass format) stating that the seniority conditions are met, to the email address: , until 1 4.01.2021. Please mention in the title of the email: Application Expert implementation (P) (occupation code - 242104 process manager) _ SMIS CODE 2014+: 129446. Contact person: Bo?ca (Gheorghe) Daniela Maria - partner coordinator.

Only persons who meet the conditions mentioned in the notice will be invited to the interview. After the interview, in order to be notified for inclusion in the project team, supporting documents such as diplomas, certificates of seniority, work card, etc. will be presented. attesting seniority in accordance with the CV.

More information about the project, you can find by accessing the following link: -cod-smis-2014-129446