More powers to DMs in JJ Act on adoption issues

18 February 2021

NEW DELHI: The Union cabinet on Wednesday approved amendments to the Juvenile Justice Act 2015 to give district

magistrates the power to issue adoption orders and monitor functioning of various agencies responsible for implementation of

the Act.

The divisional commissioner will have the power to decide appeals with regard to adoption cases. The government says it will

enable “speedy disposal of adoption cases and enhance accountability”. Currently adoption orders are issued by the district


Women and child development minister Smriti Irani said among others, the proposed amendments categorise previously

undefined offences as ‘serious offence’ where the sentence is more than seven years but no minimum sentence is prescribed

or a minimum sentence of less than seven years is provided. At present, the Act has three categories of petty, serious and

heinous crimes. It is also proposed to expand the definition of “Child In Need of Care and Protection” to include victims of

trafficking, drug abuse, abandonment by guardians and those rescued from child labour under the National Child Labour


It is also proposed to bring the district child protection units under the jurisdiction of the DM.

Irani said the amendments aim to strengthen child protection.
