DCI / Margaret Tuite

24 February 2021

DCI Belgium \ Structure and team

Structure and team


Benoît Van Keirsbilck

Benoît Van Keirsbilck

Laurent Beauthier

Laurent Beauthier

Mimona Manouach

Mimona Manouach

Eva Gangneux

Eva Gangneux

Cecile Wlodarczak

Cecile Wlodarczak

Emmanuelle Vacher

Emmanuelle Vacher

Clementine Leonard

Clementine Leonard

Emna Mzah Miralles

Emna Mzah Miralles

Pierre-vincent Morvant

Pierre-vincent Morvant


Jean-Pierre Bartholomé

Jean-Pierre Bartholomé founded DEI- Belgique- francophone branch in 1992 (at the same time as Geert Cappelaere founded the Flemish section).

After fifteen years of work in the administration of Youth Aid and Protection in French-speaking Belgium, in 1980 he created the first Youth Law Services (which have since spread to the main cities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. and currently exist in Brussels, Namur, Mons, Charleroi, Liège, Verviers and Arlon - see www.sdj.be) and, in the process, founded the “ Journal du droit des jeunes ” (the JDJ ), published by the non-profit organization " Youth and law»For almost forty years. JDJ quickly became the benchmark publication for the youth aid sector and youth protection, but beyond that for all professionals working for and with children and young people.

Subsequently, he practiced in France by launching in 1992 the French version Journal du droit des jeunes and various publications on youth law and by organizing training courses for professionals. The common thread of his career has always been to equip children and young people with information to enable them to know their rights and the capacity to demand their respect . On the other hand, it has always sought to train professionals, especially social workers, to use the law as a tool for social work that is an integral part of their social intervention alongside children, young people and families .


DCI-Belgium's Board of Directors brings together dynamic activists who have worked actively or voluntarily for the association. It is chaired by Madeleine Genot (lawyer) and is made up of people with very different profiles and backgrounds (lawyers, criminologists, psychologists, lawyers, street social workers, managers, etc.), with significant experience in children's rights. :

Anne-Sophie Charles is a psychologist and family therapist. She works in the pediatric surgery and liver transplantation unit at the SaintLuc University Clinics, as well as in a private practice. She is in daily contact with many children and their families from various cultures. She was also interested in the problem of children in closed centers.

Marie Charles is a lawyer (UCL 2006), specializing in human rights (Pisa, 2008). She is currently legal adviser to the Human Rights League. Her first professional experiences, it was with the Defense for Children International network that she had them, by doing an internship in the Belgian section and then in Sierra Leone.

Aurore Dachy (Secretary) graduated in criminology and sociology at ULB. She then completed her training with an interdisciplinary certificate in children's rights. Subsequently, she completed an internship with DCI-Belgium. His professional career crosses the academic, scientific and associative fields at the same time. She has, in fact, collaborated with the NGO Coordination for the Rights of the Child, the ULg and the National Institute of Forensic Science and Criminology, mainly in the areas of children's rights and restorative justice. She is currently a researcher at the Office for Birth and Childhood.

Hélène Eggen is a lawyer and criminologist by training. Social street worker since 2007 at AMO Dynamo (open environment youth support service approved by the Wallonia-Brussels federation). Vice-president of Traces de rue (French-speaking federation of social street workers) ".

Madeleine Genot (President) is a lawyer (UCL 2007) and practices as a lawyer at the Brussels Bar. She started her career as a project manager for DEIBelgium and in particular responsible for the organization of the International General Assembly of DCI which was held in September 2008 in Brussels. As part of her role, she also participated in the drafting of numerous educational tools on the rights of the child. She participated in the first edition of the Interdisciplinary Certificate in Children's Rights.

Pierre Genot (Treasurer) is director of a social housing service; has skills in management, accounting and associative organization; by virtue of his function, he is particularly attentive to the question of the right to housing of children and families.

Coline Remacle graduated in criminology from ULB after obtaining a bachelor's degree in information and communication. She then completed her training with a complementary master's degree in Human Rights at FUSL and also followed the Interdisciplinary Certificate in Children's Rights (CIDE). She worked as a researcher at the Criminal Research Center of the ULB on the theme of delinquency.She worked for a few months at DCI-Belgium before becoming a collaborator in the cabinet of the Minister of Youth and Aid to Youth.

Margaret tuite was coordinator of the European Commission for the rights of the child, from November 1, 2011 to August 31, 2018, in the unit responsible for fundamental rights policy at DG Justice and Consumers. This is a horizontal role of coordinating child rights policy within the Commission with internal and external stakeholders. Among other activities, the Commission organizes an annual European Forum on the Rights of the Child (for example, in 2013: Towards integrated child protection systems through the implementation of the European Agenda for the Rights of the Child). child; 2015 Coordination and cooperation of integrated child protection systems; 2016: Protection of children in migration, which served as the basis for the Commission communication of 12.4.2017 on the protection of children in migration; and 2017: Children deprived of liberty and alternatives to detention). Margaret also led a study on the involvement of children in civil, criminal and administrative court proceedings in the 28 EU Member States. Previously, from 2008-2011, Margaret served as Deputy Head of Criminal Justice. Margaret worked for the European Commission for 33 years, 17 of which were in the areas of justice and home affairs. criminal and administrative law in the 28 EU Member States. Previously, from 2008-2011, Margaret served as Deputy Head of Criminal Justice. Margaret worked for the European Commission for 33 years, 17 of which were in the areas of justice and home affairs. criminal and administrative law in the 28 EU Member States. Previously, from 2008-2011, Margaret served as Deputy Head of Criminal Justice. Margaret worked for the European Commission for 33 years, 17 of which were in the areas of justice and home affairs.https://twitter.com/MargaretTuite1 ; http://ec.europa.eu/justice/fundamental-rights/rights-child/index_en.htm. Since September 1, 2018, she has taken leave of the European Commission. She is a member of the board of directors of www.crin.org. Among the many interests related to children's rights, she is keen to ensure that high standards of child protection are in place in organizations working with and for children.

Andrea Salcedo is a kindergarten teacher in an active pedagogical school in Brussels and founder of the Belullaby project which supports families, childcare professionals and institutions in the implementation of child-friendly educational methods. Before entering the field of education, she worked for 4 years at DCI-Belgium as a project manager, notably in the coordination of the European project Children's Rights Behind Bars. She also has a degree in Business Administration and Management and completed her training with an interdisciplinary certificate in children's rights at UCLouvain (CIDE).


Jacques Fierens

Jacques Fierens has a doctorate in law and a degree in philosophy. He is extraordinary professor at the University of Namur, professor at the University of Liège and professor at the Catholic University of Louvain. He teaches philosophy of law, family law, juvenile law and welfare law. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Center for the Rights of the Child (CIDE) , which brings together various NGOs as well as researchers or teachers from various Belgian universities. He is a member of the National Commission for the Rights of the Child and a member of the Scientific Council of the Office for Birth and Childhood (ONE) . He is an honorary lawyer at the Brussels Bar, where he practiced for 36 years.


The General Assembly is made up of the following people (2019):

CAPPELAERE Geert, CHARLES Anne-Sophie, CHARLES Marie, DACHY Aurore, DE BOEVE Edwin, DEFAYS Christian, DOCKX Véronique, DOULLIEZ Véronique, DRUANT Fabienne, DUPUIS Damien, DUMOULIN Valérie, EGGEN Hélène, FIERENS Jacques, GENOT Madeleine, GENOT Pierre, GOURIVEAU Soizic , GRAZIANI Laurene, HERBECQ Peter JASPART Alic LEFEVERE NeleMINOT Justice, MOREAU Thierry, NZEYIMANA Jémy, NOIRET Christian, RAVIER Isabelle, REMACLE Coline, RICHARD Véronique, RONGE Jean-Luc, SALCEDO Andrea, SERVAIS Jean-François, TUITE Margaret, VAN DER MEERSCHEN Benoît, ZUNE Marie.
