LOST ROOTS FOUNDATION • RAÍCES PERDIDAS MEMORY. TRUTH. JUSTICE. Guatemala is a relatively unknown Central American country in Europe and in general, in the world. Few can locate it on a map. Its history is as rich as it is tragic ... Ravaged by a terrifying internal armed conflict, “Conflicto armado interno”, from the beginning of the 60s to 1996, the country is warned of appalling scars. These 36 long years have forced the displacement of nearly 1 million people, caused just over 200,000 victims and led to almost 45,000 disappearances, including no less than 8,000 children. Concerning the adoptions of Guatemalan children during this period, some have not hesitated to falsify identities, to kidnap and kidnap, to sell children whose parents exist and did not have the will to put them to death. 'adoption. All these irregularities raise questions today and a growing number of adoptees from Guatemala wish to shed light on their history. The unimaginable inhumanity of this traffic led to the creation of “Racines Perdues - Raìces Perdidas” Our research is spread over more than twenty countries. We are campaigning to denounce this intolerable truth, out of a duty of memory and justice. Therefore, we carry out the research of biological families for any person who wishes it and represent our members, with organizations and governmental institutions in Belgium, in Europe, as well as with the international community. We also specialize in illegal adoption. Truth. Memory. Justice. These three values ​​are the natural essence of our Foundation. Thanks to your donations, we will continue to actively search for lost families, to coordinate our efforts against human trafficking internationally. You will also allow us to finance our project to create a DNA database for the verification of research. Nunca m á s! Never again! Tu lucha es mia, Mi Lucha es tuya! Your struggle is mine, My struggle is yours!