Project Milkbox

ProjectMilkBoX reunites lost children and their families. It is our goal to bring a milk carton with a picture of an adopted child to every household. When a child is recognized, a DNA-test will be offered to establish whether there are any family relations. ????Who ProjectMilkBoX is a project by and for people that are adopted. ????What For every adoptee, we will create a milk carton to offer to certain points. Here, they can be distributed. By doing this, we aim to increase the chances to find back the adoptees’ families. The first MilkBoxes are planned to be launched in India in 2021. ????Where The MilkBoxes will be presented in different areas of several communities, such as a nearby orphanage, mandir, refugee camp and hospital. ????Why When there is a potential recognition or identification, a DNA-test can be arranged. We want this project to come to life within the community; this concept complies with this. For every adoptee, we will create a milk carton to offer to certain points. Here, they can be distributed.