Doctor one of two nabbed over alleged involvement in falsifying 200 birth records

20 April 2021

PUTRAJAYA: A syndicate found to be responsible for falsifying at least 200 birth records in the country has been uncovered by the National Registration Department (NRD).

NRD director-general Datuk Ruslin Jusoh said the department nabbed two men, both in their 60s, who are believed to be key members of the syndicate which has been operating since 2009.

“Our investigation and enforcement division caught a man, who is a doctor at a private clinic in Putrajaya, on Monday (April 19). The other suspect is believed to be an agent and he was caught at his home in Melaka on the same day.

“With the arrest of the two suspects, the NRD is able to partially cripple a syndicate involved in falsifying birth records which we have been tracing since 2009, ” Ruslin said at a press conference at the NRD headquarters here Tuesday (April 20).

For a fee of between RM8,000 and RM20,000, the syndicate will help parents to adopt a child but register them as their own biological children.

“The doctor involved will sign a false LM01 birth registration form, which will claim that the couple are the child’s biological parents.

“The agent will then act as a runner to help the parents register the child’s birth at the NRD, ” said Ruslin.

With this discovery, Ruslin said at least 200 birth certificates with questionable records are believed to be linked to the syndicate, which operates from a maternity clinic in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

“The NRD has blacklisted some 200 birth records due to the discovery of some discrepancies. A lot of them are aged 12 to 16 years old now.

“Many of the children with these falsified records find out their birth certificates have been blacklisted when they attempt to register for MyKad, ” said Ruslin.

Ruslin said the NRD will trace those whose birth certificates have been blacklisted.

“We are urging parents of children with blacklisted birth certificates to come forward to sort out the registration of their ‘adopted children’.

“The NRD is reminding all couples who wish to adopt children to go through the legal and proper way.

“The public is advised not to use the services of middlemen or to be involved with any syndicates when dealing with the NRD, ” said Ruslin.
