Beware of adoption messages on social media, it’s illegal: Experts

5 May 2021

Nagpur: Social media has been flooded with messages about children orphaned due to Covid-19 and how people can adopt them by simply reaching out to a number mentioned in the message. Legal experts warn that indulging in any such activity is nothing short of ‘child trafficking’ because adoption involves a very comprehensive legal process.

In India, adoption process is solely under the purview of Centralized Adoption Resource Agency (CARA), which is a statutory body under the Union ministry of women and child development. This agency then has a State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA) to coordinate at the local level. So, regardless of a prospective parent approaching an NGO or an orphanage, all applications will ultimately be routed to CARA.

Well-known lawyer Shyam Dewani said if your adoption process is not registered with CARA, then it’s illegal. “The law is very clear and there are two things you must not do. First, don’t forward such messages to anyone regardless of who sent it. Second, don’t ever call on that number because out of the goodness of your heart, you wish to adopt that child,” he said.

“If you do any of these things, then knowingly or unknowingly you become part of a larger criminal conspiracy. And people must use some common sense too that you just can’t call up a number and take home a baby. We are talking about a human being here, not some product on online site,” said Dewani.

These fake or illegal social media messages can get extremely creative to pull at people’s heart strings. Emotional messages about a child being found wandering after both parents died due to Covid-19 and how he needs a new home, are being circulated.

Social activist Shahid Sharif said even if such a child is found, s/he cannot be ‘passed’ on to anybody who is ready to take responsibility. “I have worked closely with the Child Welfare Committee and the protocol is that upon finding such a child, the local police have to be informed. After the paperwork at police station, custody of the child is given to CWC officials who then arrange for accommodation in an authorized place,” said Sharif.

TOI spoke to a couple who had adopted a child a few years ago and they were shocked on how easily people fall for fake WhatsApp messages. “It’s probably to do with lack of awareness. In fact in India, the process is lengthy and stringent, but it’s for the benefit of all,” said the parents.

“The waiting list itself is for six to seven months for your application to be considered. After acceptance, it could be few more months before you get to see a baby. Maybe these messages are aimed at people who want to bypass this system and bring home a baby within days or weeks. But then every night you will sleep with the fear that the authorities can land at your door and take away the child,” they added.
