Malaysian youth given up for adoption at birth, searching for birth mother via social media

28 May 2021

KUALA LUMPUR, May 28 — Friends of university undergraduate Rain Lee have been pointing out that he does not look like his parents since he was young.

While his father is tanned, his mother is much fairer than him.

Lee, 20, said in secondary school, a teacher actually asked his mother point-blank whether he was her real child.

“Things boiled over when my father signed my university admission form.

The person in charge at the counter said my father should put himself as my guardian instead of father. All because his skin colour is different from mine.”

Last year, during the movement control order, his parents decided to break the news to Lee that he was actually an adopted child.

“My initial reaction was how can it be.

“I have known them all my life as they took care of me since I was born.”

Lee said the first thing he did after the revelation by his parents was to ask for DNA testing and results confirmed it was impossible for his parents to be his birth parents.

He then set out to the private clinic in Bangsar, where he was born, to try his luck in getting information on his birth mother.

“But the doctor who delivered me claimed he did not have access to the records.”

After thinking it over, Lee decided to put out his plight on social media in the hopes that internet users can point him to his birth mother.

“I do not want anything from her.

“I just want to thank her for carrying me to term instead of aborting me.”

Looking back, Lee, now a third-year engineering student, said he was not inquisitive enough to ask his parents about his past.

“I did ask them why I did not have any siblings and what my father told me made sense to me at the time.

“He said if I had other siblings, he may not be able to afford to send me to private school since I was in primary school.”

While his parents are now fully supportive of him looking for his birth mother, his adopted mother was initially apprehensive when he informed her of his decision to look for his birth mother.

“Her extended family kept asking why the need to look for my birth mother when it was my adopted parents who brought me up.

“But after finding out I am adopted, there are holes in me that need to be filled. I need to find out my past.”

Asked if he felt his birth mother was still in Malaysia, Lee said, “I am 99.9 per cent sure she is still in the country and by me putting my plea out in social media, I feel I am closer to getting her.”

Those with information about Lee’s birth mother can contact him via telephone (012-5483680) or email:
