National Adoption Day. 123 children from Alba on the list of those who can be adopted. How many families have taken this step
2 June 2021

In Alba County, since the beginning of the year, DGASPC has certified 12 persons / families able to adopt, three families are being evaluated and another 23 are waiting to adopt.

In total, there are 123 children, aged between 3 and 14, in the records of the Adoptions and Post-Adoptions Bureau, for which the competent court has decided that they are adoptable.

Also, by court decision, for 16 children the adoption for adoption was approved, and for another 16 children it was decided to approve the adoption.

On June 2, the National Day for Adoption is celebrated, a moment that brings to attention the fact that every child needs a family, in which to feel loved, protected and accepted, in which to have stability and to develop.

According to the DGASPC, if, for various reasons, a child cannot be cared for by his or her parents or biological relatives, then adoption may be a solution.

The General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection is responsible for the protection of children who cannot be cared for in their own families and thus benefits from a special protection measure. But not all children are adoptable, even if there are many children in the child protection system in the care of foster carers or in residential centers, say the institution's representatives. Most of the time, the lack of material and financial resources causes the biological parents to turn to these support services provided by the welfare and child protection departments, but many of the children in the protection system maintain ties with their family, according to the quoted source.

Adoptive children are those children for whom the court has opened the internal adoption procedure, following the efforts of the specialists of the department to reintegrate the child in the biological or extended family and based on the consent to adoption expressed by the biological parents in court.

The legislation in force stipulates that the person / family wishing to adopt must be certified as an adoptive person / family, the certificate is obtained upon request, following an evaluation process by the applicant / applicants. The certificate of adoptive person / family certifies the fulfillment of the material conditions and moral guarantees necessary for the harmonious upbringing, education and development of the child as well as the existence of the parental skills formed and developed during the evaluation process.

According to the amendments brought to Law no. 273/2004 on the legal regime of adoption, those interested should know that with regard to the certificate of potential adoptive family, its validity has been extended from two years to five years, and to achieve the practical fit, those wishing to adopt have the right to free time, with the retention of salary rights, within the limit of 40 hours / year, and employees who want to adopt children can benefit from accommodation leave, with a maximum duration of up to one year. Employers are obliged to grant it at the request of the entitled persons, and they also receive a monthly allowance.

Also, Romanian citizens residing abroad who want to adopt a child from Romania can start the adoption procedure. In the first phase, they can apply to the adoption authorities in the respective country to request the adoptive family certificate.

I can adopt:

relatives up to the fourth degree of the child for whom the internal adoption procedure has already been opened;

families in which at least one of the spouses is also a Romanian citizen;

foreign nationals, if they are married to the natural parent of the adoptable child.

Adoptive persons must prove that they have the opportunity to reside permanently in the state in which they are. In addition, they have the obligation to live in Romania for at least 30 consecutive days in order to strengthen the relationship with the child.

At the level of DGASPC Alba, the activity regarding the adoption is carried out by the Adoptions and post-adoptions Office, which provides the following specific services:

child services: child record, assessment, preparation, matching, monitoring, information and counseling;

services for the potential adoptive family: information, evaluation, preparation, monitoring and support;

services for the biological family: information and support, counseling in order to express consent to adoption;

post-adoption services: counseling and information, support and assistance of adoptive families and adopted children, post-adoption monitoring.

DGASPC professionals have the obligation to identify the most appropriate family for each adoptable child. This requires that each family wishing to adopt be evaluated by professionals socially and psychologically. Even if everyone can want a child, not everyone can adopt. There are criteria and requirements that the current legislation provides, which must be met for the adoption to take place, and the adoptive families must have a great flexibility in thinking, the ability to accept another person: the child, in his integrity, without necessarily wanting to change him and give him warmth, support and security.

"I have four children, two of whom have been adopted. I forgot which two ”- Bob Considine, writer from Chicago
