A foundation suspected of -exporting- children keeps -the business-

30 September 2007

A foundation suspected of -exporting- children keeps -the business-

Of Andreea Anghel - 03:00, September 30, 2007

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The -Walk in the Light- Foundation, which currently has 39 children in care, is under the patronage of a former criminal investigator precisely for the -export- of children, Ilie Coroam?, and who was said to go out of the way because the children they will be transferred to the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Bistri?a-N?s?ud, it remains -in the business-.

According to the director of DGASPC Bistri?a-N?s?ud, Marin Rus, the process that was written to be based on accusations of organ trafficking was put in place to move from the above-mentioned foundation nine of the 39 children he has in the foundation is currently under the care of the state authorities, this being the only way for these souls to be transferred. Nine, because the businessman Ilie Coroam? declares that he can only finance them for the rest of 30. The story of this foundation is quite confusing and bizarre, considering the fact that until April it worked in Suceava. Trying to establish a route regarding the fate of these children, who are under the care of a former criminal investigator precisely for the -export- of children, I found out from DGASPC Suceava that the Center would have been closed a year ago and that there would have been a pending trial in the courts. However, in an attempt to detail the subject, we found out from the same representatives that the foundation has not been operating since April in Suceava and moved to Bistri?a-N?s?ud, for reasons not yet elucidated by the Suceava authorities. Why in Bistri?a-N?s?ud? Because the city is famous in terms of scandals for international adoptions, an activity that Ilie Coroam? also seems to practice. Why in Bistri?a-N?s?ud? Because the city is famous in terms of scandals for international adoptions, an activity that Ilie Coroam? also seems to practice. Why in Bistri?a-N?s?ud? Because the city is famous in terms of scandals for international adoptions, an activity that Ilie Coroam? also seems to practice.

The story of the children who -was going to the Light-

Between 1997 and 1998, the -Love Basket- and -Walking in the Light- Foundations were involved in many scandals related to international adoptions. In the book -Business with children's souls-, doctor Maria Goron, who worked in the Placement Center from Livezile, Bistrita, tells how the children were taken from hospitals and brought to Livezile, where they were kept until the age of four, after who were taken to the Placement Center in Dorne?ti, Suceava, in order to lose track of them. Everything, under the command of Ilie Coroam?, according to the doctor. But allegations of organ trafficking have not been proven.

Only ashes came out of the scandals

The Romanian Adoption Office publicly acknowledged last year that more than 1,300 Romanian children had been lost without a trace, which sparked a huge scandal. It turned out, among other things, that several organizations in Bistri?a-N?s?ud exported between 1998 and 2004 approximately 142 children. At that time, the same director of DGASPC BN, Marin Rus, admitted that the reports about the condition of these children are brief, unverifiable, but also that nothing is known about some of the little ones. The situation was also reported by Emma Nicholson, according to whom, until the introduction of the moratorium on stopping adoptions, in Romania had developed a market for illegal placement of children, the people involved running at least 90 million dollars annually.
