United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 Website: https://pace.coe.int/en/files/19221 Email: Organization types: Governmental Organization Documents Title Publication dateThe intercountry adoption debate: about children's rights then, now and in the future 14 November 2024International Social Service NEWSLETTER October 2024France suspends adoptions of children from Madagascar 22 October 2023ICAV Speech to the UN on 20 September 2023 20 September 2023United Nations Human Rights Special Procedures - Joint statement on illegal intercountry adoptions 11 September 2023Safeguarding search for origins from illicit post-adoption practices 7 September 2023‘Nobody’s child’ – despite a compelling case for reform, NZ’s adoption laws remain stuck in the past 8 August 2023KEY CONSIDERATIONS: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS & SURROGACY 1 February 2022Adoptees say local adoption system not free from irregularities 14 May 2008Petition in favor of families victims of the Romanian moratorium on adoptions 4 July 2006Inter-country adoption 8 April 2004An independent voice for ethical adoption 23 January 2004The Rights of the Child in Internal and Intercountry Adoption Ethics and Principles Guidelines for Practice 24 January 2003THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD IN INTERNAL AND INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION 1 November 1999Child Care Institutions (CCIs) under JJ Act THE PALERMO PROTOCOL, AN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STANDARD FOR ANTITRAFFICKING EFFORTS, EMBEDDED IN COLONIALITY The History of Holt International Parent topics: Governmental Organization