Government strategy ‘to deliver excellence’ in adoption services across England

5 August 2021

The Government has published a new National Adoption Strategy which, it says, "is set to improve adoption services in England by putting in place better recruitment across the country and removing any unnecessary delays, through more training for front line staff, improving approval process and funding for targeted recruitment campaigns".

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The document states: "The government will work with adoption agencies to ensure that best practice becomes the norm. This will help to ensure that every adopted child and their family can access the services and support they need wherever they live, and maximise children’s outcomes in the short and long term. The strategy sets out how we will fulfil our vision so that:

All adoptive children are found permanent loving families as quickly as possible where they will be safe and secure.

Adopters are recruited from all communities so that we have a range of approved parents able and well prepared to meet the needs of children waiting to be adopted. Prospective adopters are never deterred from pursuing an opportunity to adopt because of their ethnicity, sexuality, age or social background.

Prospective adopters from every walk of life are warmly welcomed and supported in a system that is never threatening or judgemental.

Unnecessary barriers and bureaucracy placed in the way of those seeking to adopt are removed, systematically, across the country.

Children are supported to bond with their adopted parents from the first time they meet.

Professionals understand the profound impact of care and adoption on children’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

All adoptive children are supported to achieve their full potential.

Children and families get the support they need when they need it.
