Former Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock apologises over inappropriate conduct

18 June 2014

Former Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock apologises over inappropriate conduct

This article is more than 7 years old

MP for Portsmouth South issued apology as part of settlement in which he admitted making constituent feel degraded

Former Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock faces standards hearing

Mike Hancock resigned the party whip in June to fight a court civil action by a constituent. Photograph: Chris Ison/PA

Rajeev Syal

Wed 18 Jun 2014 15.29 BST

Mike Hancock, the MP whose Lib Dem whip was withdrawn following claims he had sexually assaulted a vulnerable constituent, has issued a full apology for making her feel "degraded", "uncomfortable" and "discriminated against".

In a statement released as part of a high court settlement, the MP for Portsmouth South said he had "crossed the line" when he had gone to the woman's home on several occasions. He said his conduct was inappropriate and unprofessional, and he apologised unreservedly for any distress.

It follows a five-year fight by the woman, known as "Annie", to obtain an apology. She accused him of sexually harassing her after she approached him for help with noisy neighbours.


The end of the case will force the Lib Dems to consider whether to readmit Hancock to the party or exclude him permanently. He was suspended after "Annie" launched the case earlier this year.

It also brings into focus the restricted remit of the parliamentary commissioner for standards office, which has the means to examine allegations of financial wrongdoing, but cannot investigate claims that an MP has abused their position in other ways.

The statement read out on Wednesday in the high court said that the parties have confidentially settled a claim for damages against him, and discloses that Hancock remains a patient in the Priory hospital in Southampton.

The terms of the settlement were approved by Master Leslie, just days before the case was due to be heard.

Hancock's apology does not admit sexually assaulting "Annie", as she has previously claimed, but does admit serious misconduct.

The apology reads: "In October 2009 you first came to seek my assistance as your MP and councillor. Subsequently over several months I came to your home on several occasions, sometimes unannounced, and conducted a friendship with you that was inappropriate and unprofessional.

"I understand that you felt degraded. I did not treat you with sufficient respect. I made you feel deeply uncomfortable and discriminated against."

"As a political representative, there is a significant power differential with any constituent seeking help and particularly with your vulnerability of which I was aware.

"You had a right to trust me. Everyone should feel safe and should be able to have confidence in their political representatives and I am sorry I made you feel otherwise," it continues. "I have learnt from my mistakes and pledge not to act in the same way again.

"There are no words that can take back the way that I made you feel. I can only apologise unreservedly to you for any distress, anger and worsening of your psychiatric condition that I caused. I acknowledge also that your son has been affected by the distress caused to you."

Hancock goes on to distance himself from comments from Lib Dem councillors, which accused "Annie" of bringing the case against him for the money.

It reads: "I also recognise the hurtful and untruthful statements were made publicly about your motivation in bringing the claim. The statements sought to discredit and undermine you. This never should have happened. I accept that you did not bring the claim for financial gain and any statements to the contrary were wrong."

The solicitors said "Annie", who has a son, attempted to complain through the police, the office of the parliamentary commissioner for standards, as well as the Liberal Democrat party and Portsmouth city council, but has been "blocked from achieving a remedy at each stage".

Her damages action was due to go to trial this week. But, following mediation two weeks ago, both sides settled the claim on confidential terms, which included the issuing of 68-year-old Hancock's public apology.

A statement from "Annie" said: "I am pleased that there has finally been a resolution to what has been a long and hurtful ordeal for me.

"Since the incidents about which I complained happened back in 2010, my physical and mental health have suffered and I am grateful that I may now have some closure to this traumatic episode in the lives of both myself and my son."

"Annie" said she was pleased that Hancock, from Fareham, Hants, now recognised that she did not bring her claim for financial gain but had only ever sought "justice and an apology".

She added: "Some Liberal Democrat councillors serving on Portsmouth city council have sought publicly to discredit both myself and my motives for bringing an action against Mr Hancock, ignoring and even trying to undermine the independent investigation report commissioned by their own council from Nigel Pascoe QC."

She urged anyone else who had suffered "unwarranted approaches" from someone in public office abusing their trust to come forward.

Pascoe, a leading barrister in sexual crime cases, interviewed Hancock's accuser at length at the request of Portsmouth city council and concluded there was evidence of sexual advances made by Hancock and that the MP was fully aware of his alleged victim's mental health problems.

Pascoe also examined dozens of texts sent by Hancock to his accuser over a nine-month period from October 2009. Some messages said: "Please give me a chance you never know my princess xxx", "… you are special and sexy to me xxx" and "just got here and in bed alone my love xxx".

In the key passage in the 49-page report, Pascoe, who is also a former president of the mental health review tribunals, said: "I consider that the prima facie evidence of his unwelcome sexual approaches remains unquestionably a very serious matter in the light of the position which he holds and his knowledge from the beginning of the vulnerability of [the alleged victim]."

The Lib Dem party has recently been at the centre of other claims that it has failed to investigate sexual harassment allegations. Over the past year, party officials have been accused of ignoring claims against Lord Rennard, the former election guru who maintains his innocence against claims that he groped female Lib Dem activists; and that the party failed to investigate allegations against MP Cyril Smith, who has since been named by police as a paedophile.

A Liberal Democrat spokesman said a disciplinary investigation into Hancock, which was put on hold pending the outcome of the civil case, would now be restarted. His membership of the party has already been suspended.
