Adoption Is Not A Trend: The story behind a campaign to save adopted kids from abandonment

29 August 2021

A few days ago a heart-wrenching video went viral, where Yomna Dahrog, founder of ‘Kafala in Egypt’ narrates the story of a husband and wife who adopted a girl then a couple of years later they decide to return her back to the orphanage because the wife got pregnant! Yes, you read that right! Just think about it for a moment, a 3-year old girl living normally in a house with a family finding herself one day in an orphanage where everything she ever had was taken away from her in a blink of an eye. Can your mind comprehend the pain she went through that very first night she got abandoned?

In the video, Yomna broke into tears at the cruelty of this incident pleading with devastation that people should think before they adopt and ask themselves if they will be really up to the responsibility and challenges they will face throughout this journey. Through the campaign ‘Adoption Is Not A Trend’, Yomna urges families with adopted children to share videos and stories about their journey where they speak about the downtimes before the happy time so that people know beforehand that it’s not always rainbows and butterflies and think 100 times before they break yet another innocent child’s heart.

Having kids is a huge responsibility, and yes it may not be for everyone; let alone adoption where you have to put the same effort, love, and care into a kid who is not biologically yours. Think if you are really up for it and if you can handle it. An adopted child should not be abandoned after they found a home to keep them safe, secure, and loved just because the parents adopted them in a time of need to satisfy their longing for parenthood.