Aanvulling naar aanleiding van Brandpuntuizending

10 January 2011

In the report, Brandpunt lets two other women speak next to Betty. The first woman says that she gave up her child with the expectation that she would receive financial support. The mother said in this broadcast that she knocked on the door of the foster home in vain for information. However, the story is not fully portrayed. After an investigation by Wereldkinderen, the woman turned out to be the mother. She went back on her decision to distance herself. The child then went back to this mother, of course. Wereldkinderen also helped with her housing. Wereldkinderen has not been involved in hair renunciation procedure nor was it aware of her expectation of financial support. In the meantime, Wereldkinderen has received information from Brandpunt from the woman whom the journalist addresses at the end of the report. It concerns an adoption that was made eight years ago. Wereldkinderen will investigate the case on the basis of this information.
