Proud mum gives birth to 'eBaby' after hitting 'buy it now' on online sperm

19 September 2021

A proud mum desperate for a second child gave birth to 'eBaby' after turning to the internet to pick up some sperm and an insemination kit.

Stephenie Taylor, 33, was dismayed when she discovered how much private fertility clinics cost and for a moment thought she would have to abandon her plans of having a second child.

But then she discovered the Just A Baby app which she used to order some sperm, then she turned to eBay to order an insemination kit - before learning how to use it with YouTube tutorials, as the Daily Star reports.

Stephenie conceived on the first try and later gave birth to baby Eden, and described her as a "miracle" and a "real online baby".

She said: "If I didn't have access to all that electronically then she wouldn't be here. But I'm over the moon to be a mum again and I'm proud of the way she came into the world."

Stephenie, of Nunthorpe, Teeside, already had son Frankie, who turns five next month, with an ex-partner.

But she didn't want him to be an only child and longed to complete her family.

She started looking into private fertility clinics but was put off by the cost, and she didn't want an unhappy relationship to affect her son's life.

A pal recommended the Just A Baby App. As with the dating service Tinder, you swipe right if you are interested in someone's profile.

Stephenie wanted a family-orientated man with no history of serious illness, ideally with similar features to her so their child would look like Frankie. She found her match within a day.

After messaging for three weeks, he dropped off his sperm at her house in January 2020.

She said: "He was nice, warm and friendly and we had a cup of tea and chatted about the weather."

She used the sample to inseminate herself and two weeks later found out she was pregnant.

Her mum and sister were delighted but Stephenie said it took her dad a while to get on board but now thinks it was a "brilliant decision."

Stephenie welcomed 6lb 13oz Eden on October 15 last year and texted her donor to let him know.

She said she will have no problem if Eden wants to meet the "DNA contributor" when she is older.

The donor, who wants to stay anonymous, said: "She is an amazing person and I'm happy to do it again if she'd like more children in the future."
