How Mumbai doc, accused of buying and selling kids, got bust

7 December 2021

Around 71

children, mostly malnourished and

suffering from skin infections, were

recovered last month from the shelter

home of Dr Ketan Soni, the alleged

mastermind behind the adoption racket.

At present, he is under arrest

A hapless mother in Mumbai — who gave her newborn away for

adoption under duress but then had a sudden change of heart —

has led to, what is being said to be, one of the biggest adoption

racket busts in the city in recent times.

Last month, two FIRs were filed against Dr Ketan Soni, who has

been accused of “buying” children and “selling” them for a profit.

Around 71 children, mostly malnourished and suffering from skin

infections, were also recovered from the Ayurvedic practitioner's

shelter home, which was running without any permission from

regulatory authorities. At present, Dr Soni is under arrest and

awaiting trial.

The case

It all began earlier this year, when a 30-something maid, who had

been diagnosed with tuberculosis, consulted with Dr Soni and was

found to be four months pregnant. “The doctor convinced me that

abortion at that stage was risky and would be an expensive affair,”

she says. “He said that instead of considering abortion, we should

look at adoption. He also promised to help us find the child a

decent home.”