MHA blocks foreign funds to Missionaries of Charity

28 December 2021

The Centre said it didn’t approve Missionaries of Charity’s (MoC) Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) renewal application “for not meeting eligibility conditions” and over certain “adverse inputs” received when it was considering the application.

West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee was one of the first to protest after the news reached Kolkata. “Shocked to hear that on Christmas, Union ministry FROZE ALL BANK ACCOUNTS of Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity in India! Their 22,000 patients & employees have been left without food & medicines. While the law is paramount, humanitarian efforts must not be compromised,” she tweeted.

Missionaries of Charity superior-general Sister M Prema

issued a statement on Monday evening confirming that its

FCRA renewal application had been refused. But there “is no

freeze order by the ministry on any of our bank accounts”,

she clarified. “We have asked our centres not to operate any

of the foreign contribution accounts till the matter is

resolved as a measure to ensure there is no lapse,” she said.

The MHA said MoC had itself asked the State Bank of India to

freeze its bank accounts after the ministry rejected its

application for renewal of registration under FCRA. “While

considering the MoC’s renewal application, some adverse

inputs were noticed. In consideration of these inputs on

record, the renewal application of MoC was not approved.

The FCRA registration of MoC was valid up to December 31,

2021. MHA didn’t freeze any accounts of MoC. State Bank of

India has informed that MoC itself sent a request to SBI to

freeze its accounts,” the ministry said on Monday.

Elaborating on “adverse inputs”, a source told TOI that they

essentially relate to “audit irregularities”. This means that the

financial dealings or accounts of the NGO associated with

the late Mother Teresa, a Nobel laureate, were not found as

per the requirements under FCRA by the ministry. “The

renewal application under Foreign Contribution Regulation

Act for the renewal of FCRA registration of Missionaries of

Charity (MoC) was refused on December 25, 2021 for not

meeting the eligibility conditions under FCRA 2010 and

Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules (FCRR) 2011. No

request/revision application has been received from

Missionaries of Charity (MoC) for review of this refusal of

renewal,” said the MHA.

In the absence of renewal of its FCRA licence, Missionaries of

Charity will not be able to receive any foreign funding.

However, its domestic funding will not be impacted. The

foreign receipts of Missionaries of Charity totalled around Rs

75 crore in 2020-21, Rs 104 crore in 2019-20 and Rs 68 crore in

2018-19. The protests started immediately after the news

reached Kolkata. The Catholic Association of Bengal’s

response came immediately after Banerjee’s reaction.

“Today, more than ever before, the poorest are the ones

struggling to come to terms with the unprecedented

situation the pandemic has brought upon them. Mother

Teresa did all she could for the poorest of the poor. Today a

lifeline for those in need has been snapped as funds for all

this work for the marginalised comes from generous

individuals across the world. We see this curtailment of the

FCRA funds as a harsh blow to their efforts to reach out to

the poorest, the orphans, the handicapped, the leapers, the

addicted, the aged and the uncared for, the sick, the

abandoned and the dying,” CAB president Angelina Jasnani

said, adding that the home ministry needed to find a way to

ensure that the poor did not suffer and all required norms of

the FCRA were met at the same time.

Missionaries of Charity spokesperson Sunita Kumar, who was

associated with Mother Teresa for decades, reacted in

disbelief. “This is very distressing. I cannot believe this to be

true. Look at the work they have done in India and all over

the world, caring for those who do not have anyone. The

nuns lead a spartan life. Their quarters are bare. Mother

herself lived all her life without even a fan though her room

in Mother House was just above the kitchen and would be

stifling in summer,” she recounted.

United Interfaith Foundation (India) general secretary

Satnam Singh Ahluwalia called the move “an attack on

humanity to stop social outreach by the Missionaries of

Charity sisters and brothers”. “We condemn the government

action and are appalled by the timing and lack of empathy

to consider the humanitarian disaster this decision will

cause,” he added. TMC Rajya Sabha MP Derek O’Brien called

the Centre’s “clarification” (that no bank account had been

frozen) an example of “MHA... SPINDOCTORING & COVERUP”.

“India has an opposition that will fight the good fight. And I

have a leader who will always stand up for the oppressed,

Mamata Banerjee,” he added.