15 December 2021

The National Court for Federal Administrative Litigation No. 10, headed by Dr. Walter Lara Correa, Secretariat No. 19, headed by Dr. Scatularo Marta, located at Calle Paraguay 923/25, 7th floor of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in files entitled "SEARCHING TRUTHS INFINITE CIVIL ASSOCIATION C / EN S / AMPARO LAW 16.986" File. 1209/2021, pending before this Court, has ordered the publication of this document in order to guarantee adequate notification of all those who may have an interest in the result of the litigation and to inform them that this action has been formally followed. collective filed by before the mentioned Court; that the class involves all human persons who were victims of identity substitution, 548 and (B) that the National Executive Branch carry out the implementation of a management plan, so that the substitution victims find their biological identity, as well as for anyone who has suffered an impairment being affected by human trafficking . The order that orders this reads: Buenos Aires, November 12, 2021: Therefore, I RESOLVE: 1º) Declare formally admissible that the present case is processed as a collective action, in the terms of article 3 of the Public Registry Regulation of Collective Processes (Agreed CSJN 32/2014) and Annex of Agreed No. 12/2016 and, consequently, order - conf. Point V subsection 4 of the aforementioned regulation - its registration in the Public Registry of Collective Proceedings of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, if this had not yet occurred; 2 °) In order to guarantee the adequate notification of all those persons who may have an interest in the result of the litigation, it is provided that they be annotated by means of publication of edicts for one day in the Official Gazette and in the newspapers "Page 12" and " Chronicle"; whose preparation and subscription is the responsibility of the plaintiff. In them, the interested parties will be informed that the present collective action was formalized before this Court; that the class involves all human persons who were victims of identity substitution, persons in search of their biological identity and / or their relatives interested in the search, and all those who have been impaired by human trafficking and that its object consists of in which: A) Law No. 26,548, in its articles 2, 5, 6, is declared unconstitutional 14 and 23, subsection d), insofar as it is limited to guaranteeing the obtaining, storage and analysis of genetic information regarding crimes against humanity whose execution has begun within the scope of the National State until December 10, 1983, considering that there are victims of identity substitution before, during and after said process, therefore the universality of access to the Genetic Database is proposed, without the restrictions of Law No. 26,548 and (B) that the National Executive Power carry out the implementation of a management plan, so that replacement victims find their biological identity, as well as for anyone who has suffered an impairment being affected by human trafficking. Register, notify the parties, contact the Public Registry of Collective Proceedings and release the previously ordered edicts. Signed by: Edgardo Walter Lara Correa, federal judge. Edgardo Walter Lara Correa Judge - Edgardo Walter Lara Correa Federal Judge
