Verona, "sold" in Paraguay and adopted: investigates and discovers it at the age of forty

18 February 2022

Getting married, becoming a mother, leading a happy existence and then suddenly discovering, thanks to social media, that "I am not the person I thought I was for 40 years". It is the story of Enrica Locatelli, a young woman who lives in Bergamo whose life "was turned upside down a couple of months ago, when I learned that she was kidnapped in Paraguay a few months after her birth to be sold to an Italian couple".

I involved

Those who "I had always thought of as my real parents had actually gotten me by paying money." But to whom? An alleged "illegal child abduction" which, according to the complaint presented by the 40-year-old at the Prosecutor's Office in Bergamo, involves a Veronese missionary priest, Don Attilio Cordioli. The latter, who is originally from Mozzecane and belongs to the Redemptorists , denies any suspicion, claiming that it is "only lies", "false accusations made by the devil". This is how the Veronese priest reached the diocesan sanctuary of the Madonna del Perpetuo Soccorso dei Redemptoristi di Bussolengo on the microphones of the show Le Iene su Italia 1 :unattainable as he has already returned to Paraguay, he often travels commuting between South America and Verona . His cell phone? Don Cordioli does not have a cell phone, he never had one ».

New details

Those who, on the other hand, did not shy away from adding new details to her incredible story is Enrica flanked by her husband Fabio : theirs, they say, until recently was a family where "every piece seemed to be in the right place", where "everything ran for the better until, from one day to the next - Enrica recalls - I knew I was actually another person ». She thus discovering that "I was born from another family that I have now finally met, that I have ten brothers that I didn't even know existed". For 40 years, Enrica has in fact believed "erroneously" to "be the daughter of Rosa Bardelle , a housewife originally from Cavarzere nel Veneziano, and of the industrialist Piero Locatelli from Bergamo. I'mboth passed away before I learned that in reality they weren't the ones who brought me into the world. " The turning point dates back to two months ago when Enrica learned that “immediately after her birth, I was stolen from my real parents who had brought me into the world in Pilar, Paraguay. My twin brother has suffered the same fate and I take the opportunity - it is Enrica's appeal - to invite anyone who knows something, to help me find him or in any case to hear from him. They told us that he too could have been kidnapped like me and then sold to another Italian couple ».

His investigations

But how did she discover that she was " in reality another woman , with another natural family, another city and even another date of birth than those that appeared in her official documents"? From an early age, already in elementary school, Enrica felt « asked if I was South American because of the burnished color of my skin, for those features of mine that are not typically“ Bergamo ” . My Italian parents, however, belittled them, so I didn't ask any more questions ». It was her husband who encouraged her to investigate her identity and origins: Enrica begins to investigate, talks to relatives , "in particular with an aunt from Padua who was the first to name me Don Attilio in Paraguay "and finally find help on social media by posting photos and documents found in the garage of the adoptive parents . «Every day I received three or four more pieces of information that led me back to Father Attilio. So I decided to call him and then send him everything I had, both photos and documents »revealed Enrica to the correspondent for Le Iene Andrea Agresti. But from the priest Enrica she has never heard from her family. To help her were the people from Paraguay who answered her via social media: "Thanks to them I found my brothers and discovered the truth about my family".

"Anonymous death threats"

In the meantime, the news had attracted the attention of the South American media and it was not long before the young woman received " anonymous death threats ". More and more convinced that she wanted to discover the truth, Enrica went to Bussolengo to see the priest who, in anger, denied everything: «The lies are the work of the devil, and I do not speak to the devil. We are facing a clinical case, I have nothing to do with your adoption , you just have to thank God for having found another family who raised you. Now go away - the Veronese priest quickly closed the conversation - otherwise I'll call the police ». Now Don Attilio is back in that mega cultural and religious training center « Marianela»He founded in 2007 in Atyrà, a town in Paraguay 60 km from the capital Asunción. He is proud of it and defines it as "a retreat house, which accommodates teenagers, families, priests and religious in 7 thousand square meters , is an oasis of spirituality, the fruit of providence ". What will become of all this now that the missionary is in the storm? "For sure - announces the battle Enrica - I want truth and justice, for me and for all the other children who have lived the same nightmare without them knowing".
