The Secretary of the Nordic Adoption Council, Ole Bergmann, has passed away
23 March 2022

A true fiery soul has passed away.

Most of us knew Ole Bergmann as a warm-hearted, humorous and utterly wise man. There was not much Ole did not know about.

He worked in adoption for more than 35 years and was for a number of years director of DanAdopt, and until he passed away, he was secretary of the Nordic umbrella organization Nordic Adoption Council. Ole fought for what he loved until the day he died.

Ole was well-liked by everyone. He was a true Nordic voice. He could talk to everyone, no matter where they came from, yes he could even sing in Finnish.

His sudden death has shocked all colleagues both here at home and in the Nordics, and he leaves a huge void. His commitment to adoption was incomparable.

Ole also thought big thoughts. He asked himself and us the questions:

“Can one remove the glass wall between two cultures? In other words, can the invisible wall between rich and poor, between resourceful and less resourceful, be broken down or transcended by the openness of adoption and thus transparency? ” His second question was an extension of that: "Can the reification of reproduction and children - a reification that is also in the surrogate mother industry - be removed?"

He did not offer an answer, but the two questions are central to how adoption is handled.

Now we must all lift that task and find the answer to Ole's question. Without Ole, but with Ole's inspiration in our work and with Ole in our hearts. He will be greatly missed by all of us in Adoption & Society.

Honor be to Ole Bergmann's memory.

Michael Paaske

Chairman and board member of NAC

Ina Dygaard

2nd Vice President and Substitute of NAC