Romania - Children of Hope website!

26 March 2022

Our organization is recognized by the Romanian authorities to supervise the adoption of children from this country.

It is important to know that only people of Romanian origin are allowed to apply for this country.

Please contact us to receive more in-depth information on the procedure.

- No cohabitants (legal or not)

- Compulsory marriage but no specified duration of marriage

- To be of good life and morals.

- Be in good physical and mental health.

- Having a stable job.

- Minimum age is 25 years old

- Single accepted

- Couple with children accepted

The Romanian Central Authority, the ANPDCA (National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption) has declared that the ethnic origin of children is no longer a selection criterion in the matching process.

Indeed, most adoptable children in Romania do not have a declared ethnic origin and are registered as such in the national adoption register (RAN). It is impossible to declare this solely on the physical appearance of the child, which would be discrimination. Moreover, in many cases, the father of the child is unknown.

Thus, during a possible match, all the information contained in the file of the child and the candidates are examined. However, it is impossible to draw conclusions from hypotheses, such as from the child's first name or birth name or his region of origin. These are the factual elements that will be taken into account such as age, sex, state of health, etc.

Without declared ethnic origin for a child, all registered family files will be examined, even if they have indicated a restriction for a specific origin.

The waiting period before a proposal can reach several years. This period could nevertheless be reduced if the adoption project concerns a child over 6 years of age, of any ethnic origin or a child with special needs. Children offered for international adoption are at least 4 years old.

Stays in Romania

As far as possible, a single stay (approximately 3 months) in Romania should be planned. However, it may be possible to make two stays.

1)- The 1st stay

You must plan to stay there to meet the obligation to establish personal contact with the child, which is set at a minimum of 30 days. The presence of both members of the couple is mandatory.

On site, the family goes to the region where the child is. A first meeting takes place with a person in charge of the child who transmits information about the child and can answer questions from the family. A program is then proposed to the family for the period of conviviality. It is on this day that the 30-day minimum period begins.

A minimum of 8 meetings is provided for by law but, in reality, these meetings are more numerous, even daily

2)- The 2nd stay

After the filing of the application with the Tribunal, it takes about two weeks before the judgment. During the judgment, the family does not need to be represented by a lawyer, but both members of the couple must be present.

The appeal period is 15 days. It is strongly recommended that adopters or at least one of the members of the couple stay on site during this period when the link with the child must be maintained on a daily basis. At the end of the appeal period, the child is entrusted to the family immediately.

Then, a period of about 8 days is devoted to the formalities that you must personally complete to apply for the Romanian passport for the child.

We draw the attention of candidates for adoption to the reality of the profile of the children offered for international adoption by Romania: to date, they are overwhelmingly boys and with very likely Roma origins.
