Woman seeking to adopt two youngsters to end her loneliness; says 'Solitude is not beautiful'

19 May 2022

Vijaya, a woman hailing from Thiruvananthapuram is leading a life of loneliness and is seeking to adopt two youngsters to end her misery.

Thiruvananthapuram: Days that roll on without anything to do and anyone to keep her company. Vijaya, a woman hailing from Thiruvananthapuram, is leading a life of loneliness and is seeking to adopt two youngsters to end her misery.

This 62-year-old woman is in need of two kids who will bring back the light into her life. She is looking for youngsters above the age of 18 to be part of her family.

Vijaya lost both her daughters in a car accident. Her daughters aged 18 and 21 died in an accident during a family trip around 13 years back. She and her husband survived the accident. Vijaya lost her husband, a police officer, three years back due to heart attack. She has been leading a lonley life since.

She started thinking about adoption after she started sinking further down into solitude. Her relatives were very supportive of her decision. Considering the legal complications in adopting a child, she decided to adopt youngsters above the age of 18. This mother wants to adopt youngsters who are interested to study but are stuck without finding the proper resources to do so. She is also open to adopting orphaned kids.

"They must be able to consider me as their mother. Solitude is not beautiful. I hope that someone will come along who can be loved and who can love me," says Vijaya.

Vijaya is much happy to welcome a boy and girl as her own. She will take care of everything that they will need including education, proper studying facilities, a good home, job-related matters, weddings and so on. She is also ready to give a share of her property as well. She has also provided her number for those interested to contact - 8089106291.

Rules for adoption

There are no legal complications in adopting those above the age of 18. It is not easy for senior citizens to adopt kids. They may have to wait years after registering. The accumulative age of the mother and the father should be less than 90 for them to be able to adopt kids below the age of 5. As the age of parents increases, their possibility of adopting children decreases.