Minister of the Family, pro-adoption message: "It is one of the noblest gestures / The process has been much simplified and will

2 June 2022

Minister of the Family, pro-adoption message: "It is one of the noblest gestures / The process has been much simplified and will become even easier / Of the more than 47,000 children in the special protection system, almost 6,000 are adoptable"

The Minister of the Family, Gabriela Firea, says that out of the over 47,000 children in the special protection system, almost 6,000 are adoptable and are just waiting for the right family.

"Adoption is one of the noblest gestures people can make. Love does not take into account DNA, ethnicity or hair color. Every child deserves love, a home and a family to guide them in life. Today, June 2, is National Adoption Day. I take this opportunity to tell you that adoption is the only chance that thousands of children in the care of the state have to grow up with the love of a mother and a father ", says the Minister of Family.

She points out that of the more than 47,000 children in the special protection system, almost 6,000 are adoptable and are just waiting for the right family.

"The adoption process has been greatly simplified and will become easier with the new computer system through which we modernize the child protection system. Adoptive parents will no longer be required to come to the "counter" for documents, and everything will be digital, online. A huge step for this complex process. Last year alone, nearly 1,600 children arrived in loving families, a record for the past 20 years. Children are our good and bright future. Everyone has the right to live and grow up with a family ", Firea also writes.
